Lord Tarondor Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Err -- no. Its a given that KotOR'1 fighting is more difficult. Hell, Soldier/Guardian on Difficulty in KotOR'1 is more challenging than Scoundrel/Consular/Jedi Master in KotOR'2. The grass is greener? No the grass hasn't been planted cause dip****s like Obsidian couldn't make an expansion game that wasn't buggy, wasn't stagnant and unchallenging, and they sure as hell couldn't even finish the game.
Influence Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Quote I want some puzzles like in the first one where most of you 'brilliant people who knew from the get-go Revan was your PC' had to probably refer to a strategy guide or something and I want well-developed characters and plot. Ok first finding out Revan was teh PC was a plot twist not a puzzle. Second you mean puzzles like usign teh T3 droid to open the door in Nar Shadaa or finding teh landing order or memorizing teh sith Code and hsitory? puzzles liek these. The only puzzle in KOTOR that i would actually argue they should have put into k2 was the murder investigation on Dantooine. Further more gaingin influence with your characters is a puzzle and a chalenge onto itslef. Edit1:LA put a time restraingt on them they had 13 months to come up with a game a deep and complicated as this with an influence system improved combat vusals saber forms and all taht crap so its nto obsidians fault to begin with tehy had teh right idea and they issued a great product it jsut was nto perfected
Jivin Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 LadyCrimson said: Men in flowing/billowing capes/jackets (robes or not) are just plain sexy. there's a lot of movies I can watch just for the men in their long black cowboy jackets etc. Anyway...I'm like Jivin - it's hard to put into words exactly why I'm so enamoured of the game, even beyond the fan-girlism. The way the combat movements look, the interactions of the characters (even tho, like many, I wish there'd been a lot more of that), the fact that it makes me laugh a lot (always a big influencer for me), and the fact that the more I tinker with it the more I appreciate certain nuances to stuff. It's just...a breezy fun colorful world to lose your imagination in, and I enjoy it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Precisely! However on the note of comical value (which I agree is important), Im starting to think KOTOR1 was funnier I played KOTOR2 first and im about 15 hours into KOTOR1, but so far I am finding it very amusing Im pretty sure its a combination of HK-47 and the whole Bastila love interest thing... its unashamedly predictable and somtimes I can't help but just laugh out loud I don't know what it is, but if your just in it to get away from life for a while and get some entertainment, there is nothing quite like a totally transperant love story for ****s and giggles - Dan
Lord Tarondor Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Addendum: Light Side Credits by the time I got to Unknown Planet (K1): 5,000 - 10,000 with some exceptional items. Light Side Credits by the time I left Dantooine, the first planet I want to (K2): 60,000 with mostly exceptional items. I had 100,000 by the time I left Nar Shaddaa. I have no idea how to cheat so that's not the case.
Influence Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Of course u didnt need credits you a jedi, sith lord why should u need to by stuff u can kill for what u want. DId i stutter when i said that the fact that the combat mode does not cause the PC to die oftern makes the game easy. That is just one aspect 34 hours and if you tell me that theri was nto a single point int the game where you were like Wtf am i suppossed to go or do then ur a liar" because then u could cut through the game in 20 hours flat. Especially on Nar Shadaa.
Lord Tarondor Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 I didn't say Revan was a puzzle, I said the people who think and pretend that they knew from the get-go Revan was the PC probably had a difficult time with the puzzles as a joke. As for influence, its a joke. Atton Rand is easy to do, you act neutral because he neither likes the Jedi or the Sith. Kreia is neutral because she is neither a Jedi or a Sith (any longer, or at least until the end). Handmaiden favors acts of courage and dislikes deception since that is typical of a warrior-classed person: honor. HK-47 is sadistic, and therefore you will find yourself gaining influence by complimenting or agreeing with his rants on mass-murdering individuals. Disciple is another Handmiaden, T3-M4 requires repairing/computer skills along with intelligence and just generally complimenting him -- on, and get this -- his ability to repair the ship. So not obvious. Let me just break it down: I didn't level either Disciple or Atton Rand up for about 6 levels on my second go around (to do everything to see what all happens) and by the time I left Nar Shadaa (half way through it actually), my second planet of four, I had two Jedi -- one Sentinel and one Consular who were both six levels. Now Atton Rand, one of the more 'difficult' to open up to, is a Jedi and Kreia, who is a neutral (while I'm Light Side Mastery) has divulged all her information to me. Its not fun, dude -- its just not fun when everything is so easy, and I don't want to have to prohibit myself from things that are present. They need to balance the game, and debug it because it has too many flaws. I shouldn't be so harsh since I think it has potential, but I can't stand it when people compare a completed game that has characters who at least have endings and at least has an ending to one which has a messed up plot, no ending, and characters with which you know nothing but mundane endings of.
Jedihuh? Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Im posting to the subject of this thread and not arguing. It was a great game, I loved it all, story, characters, maps, pazzak. Everyone already knows what was wrong with the game and why it was that way so Im not gonna talk about it. thats all, quit bitching, this is a thread for what you loved not what you didn't love. go to the dissapointment thread if you want to trash the game.
Lord Tarondor Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 I used your figure of 34 hours -- I leave my XBox on for long periods of time with the game in progression. I'll guess of the 100 hours this game has 'spent' in it, that about 20-23 are it. Sith Lords kill for wares in shops? Tis not possible. I can't get rid of any merchants save Geeda but the path of the Light Side is difficult. Credits are not to be given in plethoras. The Dark Side is supposed to tempt you -- be the easy way out, but nothing was difficult and therefore neither side could appeal to people who want a difficult game or an easy one since you could just choose either.
Lord Tarondor Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 I can honestly say I didn't ask myself what to do once, okay? It was a walk-in-the-park, and when I spent a few minutes on it, I progressed heavily no matter what I did. Lightsabers are killer and even Light Sided force powers are killer -- I'm sorry, but when I can walk into a room or section filled with people and just spam my Force Wave button (save for baddies who have resist and require the good old stomp with Lightsaber method) and just hit 'X' a few times and sit back, then I really don't need to think anything other than, 'God I hate you Obsidian.'
Influence Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 AS for nhilisu of course it was dissappointing so was teh fact taht atris's role was cut i agree that sucks becasue it built up this hype about a dangerous sith Lord but the fact is even thought they didn't focus on that they only made teh game more profound and teh storyline more incredable by adding that plot twist. As for Nhil being a push over, it was true, they shoudl have made him doen mroe evil acts or suck the force from ur freinds as you fought him but their were other aspects of teh game that made up for that. I fought sion with 450 vit points and liek 40 strength and i died once trying to beat him and i died once trying to beat Kreia so while they were no infallable they were not pushovers either. Once agian you do not know if the final battel or battels would have been longer cuase they had to have teh game released at a certain time but even so the intangebles of the game made it worth while. Despite the flaws of the influence system it was groundbreaking.
Influence Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Lord Tarondor said: I can honestly say I didn't ask myself what to do once, okay? It was a walk-in-the-park, and when I spent a few minutes on it, I progressed heavily no matter what I did. Lightsabers are killer and even Light Sided force powers are killer -- I'm sorry, but when I can walk into a room or section filled with people and just spam my Force Wave button (save for baddies who have resist and require the good old stomp with Lightsaber method) and just hit 'X' a few times and sit back, then I really don't need to think anything other than, 'God I hate you Obsidian.' <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The fighitng was exactly the same with KOTOR 1 maybe you have jsut tlaked urself into thinking it was much harder MAlak was teh only challengeing battle whcih took me liek 7 attempts to beat.
Lord Tarondor Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 The influence system was not groundbreaking since other games have emplyed similiar systems that are much more effective. I played the game several ways, and I played KotOR'1 again, and I found it significantly more difficult than KotOR'2 and this is Consular we're talking -- Consulars practically suck in KotOR'1 since half of everything ignores Force Powers. In KotOR'2 I made quick work of each boss, no matter what. I didn't die to Sion/Kreia or Kreia's three lightsabers -- sorry, just a fact. I did die to the Sith Governer on Manaan, Uther Waynn and that Twi'lek girl when fighting them both, the Terenteks, Mandalorians, Rancors, Rakghouls, the Albino Kath Hound, Darth Bandon, Calo Nord, Bastila Shan, Lord Malak, and even bloody Chundar for cripe sakes. Especially difficult were Tusken Raiders if you took Tatooine first or second. I died to no one, in difficulty mode, with Jedi Consular, in The Sith Lords. I died to the aforementioned on normal mode even, in the original. Sorry, difficulty is not comparable -- TSL is a pushover.
Jedihuh? Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 the tread title is "Why i LOVE KOTOR 2, ...a thread that had to be created" hence what you loved about kotor 2....not what you didn't like or how easy it was, unless your saying you liked it.
Jivin Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Yeah.. this thread is meant to be about the good things in KOTOR2. I understand that part of discussing that is naturally going to mean some healthy debate over the issues with the game and stuff like that, but there is no need to turn it into a big drawn out argument between two people... and an thats already been had before at that. - Dan
Vashanti Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Jedihuh? said: the tread title is "Why i LOVE KOTOR 2, ...a thread that had to be created" hence what you loved about kotor 2....not what you didn't like or how easy it was, unless your saying you liked it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Indeed. The negative stuff should be pruned or moved to a different thread. Mods? Anyone? Bueller? Sidious?
Fionavar Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 In regard to the topic at hand, perhaps we could try to focus on the intent of the thread. Criticism is most welcome - as long as it is constructive of course - but perhaps another thread might be started if that is what people would like to discuss. Rather than prune this thread, I hope that members will return on their own to the topic at hand. The universe is change; your life is what our thoughts make it - Marcus Aurelius (161)
WITHTEETH Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 The reason i love Kotor2 is because all the problems brought me to this forum where i could complain anytime i want. ha! im still in the requirements of the thread. Always outnumbered, never out gunned! Unreal Tournament 2004 Handle:Enlight_2.0 Myspace Website! My rig
One_Intoxicated_Sith Lord Posted April 10, 2005 Posted April 10, 2005 Atton, fully and completely What... oh! Did I say that out loud? " Oh and of course the ultimate avatar of sexiness, Sion! More [sigh]
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