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Dxun fight - spoilers

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You know the part where your party splits and one party heads for the tomb on dxun while the other heads for onderon, well on dxun, what the hell was going on


It seemed to have no relation to anything, what were the sith trying to acomplish in the tomb and what was it they "succeeded in doing??"


It just seemed like a complete waste of time


Did i miss something? Was i not playing attention? What was the point?

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*spoiler so don't read if you don't want to know the answer*




Your group was interrupting the ritual which was meant to control the animals on Onderon ..


and there you go ..

Fortune favors the bald.

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Your group was interrupting the ritual which was meant to control the animals on Onderon ..

I didn't know this until checking the forums too. I wonder who found that out the initially. I didn't hear any dialog which mentioned controlling the animals, but it could be I missed some data-pad history, or didn't talk to a beast-rider who talks about it, or maybe just wrong party members.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

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Just think about it:


When your group in the Sith Tomb broke the ritual, the sith trooper in the palace lost control of the Drexl beast who just broke the force field.


If the ritual wasn't broken, the Drexl would go on and kill Queen Talia. Since it is out of control, it went to kill Tobin (I don't exactly know what happens when you side with Vaklu, I haven't sided with him yet).

Master Vandar lives!

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Your group was interrupting the ritual which was meant to control the animals on Onderon ..

I didn't know this until checking the forums too. I wonder who found that out the initially. I didn't hear any dialog which mentioned controlling the animals, but it could be I missed some data-pad history, or didn't talk to a beast-rider who talks about it, or maybe just wrong party members.


some Sith troopers are talking about it in one of the rooms in the complex iirc ..

Fortune favors the bald.

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