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I'm looking for this one pic, of Atris fighting Nihilus (Not the same as in my sig) both have lightsabres out. If anyone can supply this pic, i'd be greatful, and any others not on the site aswell. (Hey, there has to be some other pics..)


Its on the Official site has a Wallpaper, dunno where to get the original Artwork.




This is my Signature at some other forums




Is this what you wanted?

I can't seem to access the image..can someone host it over imageshack (the full version)?

I just went over to the wallpaper section and I didn't see anything like that.

I was taken by this though:



When you say full version you mean like wallpaper size right?


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)


well, the full version, meaning the "original" (ie biggest) size. So yeah, "wallpaper" size.


EDIT: So, is anyone going to upload the image I requested..?

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