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Ok Obsidian, I just want you to answer one simple question:


Why was the music encoded at such a low rate?


The game is 4 CD's, K1 had better music quality and it was 4 CD's, so I imagine it wasn't because you lacked the space on the discs...?


I listen to Mark Griskey's K2 music pieces from his website, and I am shocked and amazed at the difference between the pieces on his site, and what is with the game.


I know this question was posted before, but instead of asking you guys WHY you did it, those people turned around and started talking about re-encoding it on their own and violating copyrights all over the board...


I am simply asking why this choice was made, because I cannot imagine you lacked the disc space nessasary.


Now, here is a proposal: Re-Encode them to higher spec, and use GZip or 7Zip to compress them, then do it as content or a patch...


If you use the right compression, you can REALLY slim down the total filesize for such an update, and so you wouldn't have Lucasarts screaming at you about the patch size.


Now, here's another thing:

Battlefront 1.2 is nearly 200MB long, I would easily download such an update for K2 within 5 minutes with my connection...I know what that would mean to dialup, but since the X-Box itself isn't dialup, I don't see why the patch size would make such a huge difference.


I would have thought Griskey would be rather upset about his work being encoded at such a low rate in the game...


This is not meant to be inflammatory or anything, just a simple question that I think deserves a simple explanation from the devs here.


I think, if you used the right compression, you could deleiver such an update to us without Lucasarts screaming at you about the filesize issue...Just a suggestion.


Surely if you don't have the higher-quality original tracks, Griskey would happily provide them to you, I imagine :(

It was perhaps badly encoded so that we can buy a CD of music made by LA. You know, business is business :p


I didn't ask you. I asked Obsidian. I asked them because I don't care about what anyone else has to say about this matter, because no one else but Obsidian has control over what happens to the music in the future.


I don't want this topic to turn into another flamewar/riot against Lucasfarts...I've had way too many of them lately, and I'm just tired of it.


Don't even mention Lucasfarts, because they probably had nothing to do with the decision to use the low-quality music tracks anyway...


Then you will get no answer, because they don't answer to you. ;)

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.


I didn't ask you. I asked Obsidian.


Then use email to avoid comments from the peanut gallary. Like this one.



Alright, you have a point, but the last time I tried to email a publisher/developer, it turned into a war with Lucasfarts after the second or third mail ;)


Sigh...Maybe I just need to go there personally and have my concerns stated and listened to...I'm so close to Cali that it wouldn't be hard..


You should see E3 when I'm there...LOL, the last time I was there, security tried to toss me out for stalking around the Lucasfarts area until I could speak with the guys in charge ;)


Alas, Lucasfarts has a policy these days:

1. Make as many cheap console games as we can so we can make cheese selling more games to more kids using their parents' money.

2. Base 90% of our games on the prequels and NEVER make a legitimate Classic SW game, EVER.


I hate those types of business practices...Really grates on my ethics concerning the development of PC games...


Consoles...Pah! I bet you could never have a genuine flight sim on a console, and guess what, I'd be right! :D


Alas, that is the reason why there have been no new X-Wing/TIE sims...It's not really because the XWA community had some...Problems with the guys at TG over the source code, it was rather because Lucasfarts shafted Larry and TG because they wanted to make cheap prequel games that used primitive consoles ;)


XWA, like K2, was rushed out a full year ahead of schedule, and it suffered the exact same type of problems that K2 has ;)


Fortunately, due to the efforts of modders like myself, XWA has become reborn somewhat, but I see no efforts with the K2 modding community yet to re-make K2 to be better.


Everyone seems to be doing item packs, skin/model mods, and the occasional gameplay adjustment mod...No one has tried yet to correct the spelling and grammatical stuff, no one has tried to give the droids back the "Jedi Support" AI scripting so they will actually use their special weaponry, and no one has even dared to try and correct the storyline flaws...


I loved it when HK-47 was giving his speeches to me about the past, and what he said verbally was not what was written on the text below him ;)


Sigh...I wish Lucasfarts would go back to the old business practices where they actually CARED about the quality of their games they made...That Golden Age of SW gaming will probably never return...When that Golden Age ended, it really ripped the heart out of me for a long number of years...


Lucas claims after EP3 is out, he will try to fix the Lucasfarts "issues" and get things on-track again, but seeing how badly Lucas has fux04ed the EU continuity, you can tell just how much faith I have in him being able to return Lucasfarts to the way they were back in the Golden Age... :rolleyes:

Alas, Lucasfarts has a policy these days:

1. Make as many cheap console games as we can so we can make cheese selling more games to more kids using their parents' money.

2. Base 90% of our games on the prequels and NEVER make a legitimate Classic SW game, EVER.


I hate those types of business practices...Really grates on my ethics concerning the development of PC games...

So? If it's a sound business practice, your opinion is of no consequence. If you don't like it, don't buy it. If you want it to be another way, earn enough money to have them make you a custom game or open up a games studio yourself.



Everyone seems to be doing item packs, skin/model mods, and the occasional gameplay adjustment mod...No one has tried yet to correct the spelling and grammatical stuff, no one has tried to give the droids back the "Jedi Support" AI scripting so they will actually use their special weaponry, and no one has even dared to try and correct the storyline flaws...

You are just clueless.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

It was perhaps badly encoded so that we can buy a CD of music made by LA. You know, business is business :p

Don't even mention Lucasfarts, because they probably had nothing to do with the decision to use the low-quality music tracks anyway...


Considering LucasArts handled all the music related work, it might really be better to address them.


It also wouldn't surprise me that Obsidian was contractually obligated to only release patches through LA. Yelling at Obisidian when they (probably) can't do anything is useless. Go bug LA, because if LA gets convinced then LA can get Obsidian working on the issues. (That is, pester the people paying Obsidian.)

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