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Use Life-Support packs and shields. If you're LS, and have Valor or Speed, use it. If you're DS, use Storm. Try to wear him down until Kreia teaches you a new Form. Use that Form and keep attacking him. Use medpaks and Life-Support packs if necessairy.

I have the same problem but against Vrook! He is very annoying as he heals himself whenever he is nearly dead!


Use the same strategies against Vrook as with Ell. Energy Shields help a lot. Keep one eye on your health bar so that you can use medpacs and Life-Supports when you get low. If your DS, use Force Kill (if you have it); it tears the Jedi Masters apart. If you're LS, use Stat-Boosting Force powers.


Cheers Jedi_master_darkor, I kicked his ass with some mandalorian melee shields and force kill! I could nearly beat him before but he kept healing himself! I tried a tactic where you save after your attack and then load it so you get the first attack again! It nearly worked!


Is he the hardest jedi master to kill?


He was the hardest for me too. Pretty odd for somebody who acts like he just missed the day's rerun of McGuyver to start fighting like that....


Vrook was tough for me, too. My strategy was to hold him off until after Kreia teaches the new lightsaber form. After that dialogue he actually appears a few steps away from you, so hit him with an adhesive grenade and then just grenade him to death. boom!


Do the cheapo strategy. It made all of the fights extremely easy for me. Use an Echani shield, energy I think, and then run around, using the best stance (I used Force Potency because of my style) and use the Throw Lightsaber power, if you have it. Just run around and hide behind things, even against Kai-Ell (sp?).


Just keep running around in circles, never stopping long enough for them to lay a hit. When they're weakened, reactivate your shield(s) and step up to finish. It gets easier the longer you play into the game, especially at the end.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

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