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Yes. Oh dear (terrible sense of foreboding). Then you might start Kotor 3 as the same character but effectively back at level one, having lost your force powers again and physically weakened by the trauma. That would be an awful explanation for re-using the exile.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


There's a lot about it that doesn't make much sense. The bond, for example.


But I must congratulate you on the title of the thread. Rarely have I seen someone manage to spoil something so utterly with so few words.


Yes, but the title shows up in the main section of the forum, so people who haven't even opened the spoilers section may see it. If you can, edit it.


You cut yourself off from the force. Your force comes from others the stronger your bond to them the stronger you became in the force. I think once the Exile had goal again he allowed himself to feel the force.


I wouldn't mind playing the Exile again in Kotor III. I only have a wish which will make the game really better than Kotor II which simply is:


Make the story, the characters, and the events on par with the original Kotor but keep the same upgrade, build and influence system from Kotor II. It almost sounds simple!


Well, not really on topic but had to say it.

Master Vandar lives!

  • 2 weeks later...
  Darth Credulous said:
Kreia leads you to believe that you begin to hear the Force through her. If anything, the exact opposite is the truth.

It was my understanding that when you destroy malachor for the second time it was to help in the healing of the wound in the force created by the shadow sheild device. chodo says that by healing the life on telos you restore connection to the force, so in <if youre playing ls here> helping those planets youve healed your own wound. i think nithulus was created as a direct result of the exile severring his/herself from the force, and that he is a "negative" of the exile himself. So, that being said while nithulus would feed off the force and slowly kill those around him, the exile has the oppisite effect, spurring rapid growth in those around him/her. by facing his/her past the exile CHOOSES to allow the force to return to him. kreia SAYS you are a nithulus, but we all know how she loved to manipulate you so youd prove she was right.




kreia also said that you were supposed to train and send others to aid revan against the "true" sith, so i think it would make sense to bring them with you. hah you could all make each other stronger and maybe along the way atton can teach you some more about using lust to sheild your thoulghts...no i mean......PAZAAK *wink for the women*


One thing many dont understand is you cant actually be cut off from the force. The force has its own will and once you know the force, the force will always be with you. The jedi did this to sap the will of sith. And most sith just became average citizens under the republic or sith empire (w/e)

There is nothing there for you Jedi, only weakness surrounds the Jedi Order, just Give in

  Eelyn Doban said:
  Darth Credulous said:
Kreia leads you to believe that you begin to hear the Force through her. If anything, the exact opposite is the truth.

It was my understanding that when you destroy malachor for the second time it was to help in the healing of the wound in the force created by the shadow sheild device. chodo says that by healing the life on telos you restore connection to the force, so in <if youre playing ls here> helping those planets youve healed your own wound. i think nithulus was created as a direct result of the exile severring his/herself from the force, and that he is a "negative" of the exile himself. So, that being said while nithulus would feed off the force and slowly kill those around him, the exile has the oppisite effect, spurring rapid growth in those around him/her. by facing his/her past the exile CHOOSES to allow the force to return to him. kreia SAYS you are a nithulus, but we all know how she loved to manipulate you so youd prove she was right.




kreia also said that you were supposed to train and send others to aid revan against the "true" sith, so i think it would make sense to bring them with you. hah you could all make each other stronger and maybe along the way atton can teach you some more about using lust to sheild your thoulghts...no i mean......PAZAAK *wink for the women*


Nihilus was a 'beast' that revived on Malachor V. This leads me to think that he was somehow 'killed', and he sucks the life out of others to fill the gap where the life once was. The Exile has a similar ability, only does it to fill in the Force (or where it used to flow through him). That is probably why Nihilus suffered when he did not feed. Just an idea.


The Exile manipulated the Force through other people. If you listen to all the Jedi Masters, then they strongly infer to this fact.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

  RoadReaction said:
One thing many dont understand is you cant actually be cut off from the force. The force has its own will and once you know the force, the force will always be with you. The jedi did this to sap the will of sith. And most sith just became average citizens under the republic or sith empire (w/e)


That is not true. The Force may be always w/ you, but your ability to manipulate/feel it can go away. the Exile lost his connection entirely, and was thus a hole or wound. Everybody else this far maintains unconsous (sp?) connections.

Geekified Star Wars Geek


Heart of the Force, Arm of the Force


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes!"

-Obi-wan to Anakin (NOT advocating Grey-Jedidom)


"The Force doesn't control people, Kreia controls people."

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