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Eelyn Doban

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Everything posted by Eelyn Doban

  1. It was my understanding that when you destroy malachor for the second time it was to help in the healing of the wound in the force created by the shadow sheild device. chodo says that by healing the life on telos you restore connection to the force, so in <if youre playing ls here> helping those planets youve healed your own wound. i think nithulus was created as a direct result of the exile severring his/herself from the force, and that he is a "negative" of the exile himself. So, that being said while nithulus would feed off the force and slowly kill those around him, the exile has the oppisite effect, spurring rapid growth in those around him/her. by facing his/her past the exile CHOOSES to allow the force to return to him. kreia SAYS you are a nithulus, but we all know how she loved to manipulate you so youd prove she was right. allthough... kreia also said that you were supposed to train and send others to aid revan against the "true" sith, so i think it would make sense to bring them with you. hah you could all make each other stronger and maybe along the way atton can teach you some more about using lust to sheild your thoulghts...no i mean......PAZAAK *wink for the women*
  2. How do you get a TSL save game to your computer hd with action replay?? i have two 8MB memory cards, but it seems as it one save game is four times as big as the card. ack this is frustrating.
  3. Yes, I get what your saying but when you talk to So which is it? if every one around you gets stronger and you get stronger by being with them
  4. Then how do you access the cutscenes on the xbox? Is there a part needed?
  5. I was looking around for cheat codes around the time found this forum, and i ran across an interesting spoiler aboput Revan in KOTOR2. I found this on cheatscodesgalore.com. The message is on the member suggested cheats and reads: (Btw I didnt write this, I just cut and paste exactly what it said.) " So, is this possible? What gernder/allignment do your character and revan have to be? Does it only happen if you somehow complete every mission ? Is there a specific order you have to do the missions or does it matter? I know that some missions wont work if you progress in the wrong order. I've already played through the whole game once, and there were alot of cutscenes I missed because I didnt max out my influence on all of them. On a side note, I dont agree with them killing off the character I am so addicted to this game I have to do everything! I hope they put Atton and Bao-Dur in the next one and that they live through the whole thing!
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