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This is my problem.

I'm a full light jedi and I supposed my party mate be the same (=follow the light path), but they doesn't. Oh, not exactly. They change the alignment randomly. One minute Atton is full dark, afer some second is quite light. And so on, everybody (I'm at Nar Shaddaa). They continue phiscally (because they continue talking like they are in the light path) change their alignment. Everytime.

Is this correct? What I can do?

Tell me please



Lord Tavares from Spain

Same thing has been happening with my party, full dark characters, and all of a sudden Meria is full light...meh? :thumbsup:



My problem is that every member of my party changes continuously it alignment from full dark to full light (or quite light like Atton) and I can't say why.

Do you think is it a bug? I don't think it is normal.

I can't understand what happened.


edit / I noticed that party alignment changes everytime I "up" the level.


Yeah I'm pretty sure this is a bug, I had the same problem everytime I would, load a new level, level up a character, or go into a cutscene, etc etc. my party memebers would randomly swtch alignemnet. It doesn't seem to have much bearing on the game as they are still reconized as being light side (or darkside if you play that way) it's just their physical appearance that changes during the gameplay. Other then that it seems to be just an annoyance, there's just something wrong with having a character with dark side mastery while


has a lightside mastery, or having a lightside mastery and T3 has a darkside mastery.


I've found that you can use the addlightside or adddarkside cheat and then quicksave/quickload the game to get them back to proper alignment, although this doesn't always seem to work for all the members either.

Yeah I'm pretty sure this is a bug, I had the same problem everytime I would, load a new level, level up a character, or go into a cutscene, etc etc. my party memebers would randomly swtch alignemnet.  It doesn't seem to have much bearing on the game as they are still reconized as being light side (or darkside if you play that way) it's just their physical appearance that changes during the gameplay.  Other then that it seems to be just an annoyance, there's just something wrong with having a character with dark side mastery while


has a lightside mastery, or having a lightside mastery and T3 has a darkside mastery.


I've found that you can use the addlightside or adddarkside cheat and then quicksave/quickload the game to get them back to proper alignment, although this doesn't always seem to work for all the members either.


So we have to wait for a patch that fix that bug. I love kotor and kotor2. I pretty sure that in Obsidian are working hard to fix everything. I'll wait happy to play again this lovely title. :)


Yeah, pretty much have to wait. But like I said I havn't found that it affects gameplay in any sense, I've played both LS and DS, and so long asyou just don't pay attention to your party members alignment meter or the fact that they get all veiny when your light side you can play through it just fine. A minor annoyance especially with some of the other problems people have been having.



as for turning people into jedi, I think that it's quite amusing that while I have a dark side mastery I can turn Bao-Dur into a dark Jedi Guardian even though he has a light side mastery, and of course Vice versa if I am light sided I can turn him into a light side jedi guardian while he has a dark side mastery



I get it whether I cheat or not, If I am DS aligned all my characters tend to stay LS aligned with the occasional random shift to DS for brief periods of time, and if I am LS aligned they do the same thing except they are DS aligned with occasional random shift to the LS for brief periods.


It seems I am not alone. I thought I was screwing up on the influence. Too bad there is no way to see how much influence you have over a party member. May OE will fix this with the patch they claim to be working on.

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