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Is there anyone who knows how you can train Mira in the ways of the Jedi. I am very certain that I have gained enough influence and then Mira says something like: "Yeah, I am willing to listen to what you can teach me, although I think I know it allready", after that you can only answer with two answers and Mira will not become a Jedi. Is this some bug or something cut from the PC version or did anyone succeed in training her to become another Jedi in the group?

I have only Korriban Left and I would like her to be the 3rd Jedi Guardian, next to Handmaiden and Bao Dur.

Hmmm, this Jedi Guardian is a bit of speculation on my part.

Master Vandar lives!


Bao Dur. is a bit easier. You have to keep getting influence with him. There are a lot of points especially on Nar Shaddaa and Dantooine to gain influence with Bao. Maybe it is the number of planets you must have completed. No hidden quests, no problems.

Atton is probably the easiest one, and most realistic one to train.

Master Vandar lives!




BAo-Dur can be turned on NAr-Shadaa in the event with the guy harassed by those 2 Exchange thugs for the money he owes...it is a MUST to be ONLY you and him(with Kreia and Atton triggers their lines)

Mira after she says that u can show her take her with you and go where Kreia shown you to listen to Nar-Shadaa...just be you and her and wasder close to the central pit...it`ll trigger the thingie...

And have Atton with you in refugee quarters when the 2 twileks show up and he will be trained as well


ASSUMING you gained influence prior at least once(Echani incident in Atris Academy) and MIra through dialogue

HOW you gain influence...you figure it out :p


Did you take Mira to the special place on Nar Shaddaa where you can hear the Force? That triggered her becoming a Jedi for me.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)


Yes, done. A Jedi Sentinel. I'll remind it for my next game. It wasn't in the walkthrough of Gamebanshee either. Weird!

There are less bugs then I thought there were. I guess it's all the talking and complaining on these forums about the game, that I think it all bugs.

Master Vandar lives!

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