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:) I called lucas arts about this glitch. Of course they had never heard of it and were more interested in reading from there manuals then actualy listening to me. So... I played my game from the start I did not pick up the redemption quest and the game played fine with no problems.


On another note the steps tp completing the redemption quest are listed on this forum.


I have this same problem - just found all the lost Jedi - and now headed back to Dantooine.

Land on planet, all well, until I try to leave the Hawk.


Then Black Screen and green cursor!!


It's not a graphics issue from what I can tell.



I was Light-Sided and visited planets in the order of: Dantooine, Nar Shadaa, Dxun/Onderon, Korriban and then back to Dantooine!


I did have the REDEMPTION quest uncompleted on my return.


Any help would be most appreciated!!


Just to know that they'll put the fix in a patch would be something!


I got this problem too.. when i try to leave the hawk, i get dumped to the main menu unable to do anything in the menus :|

i really hope a patch will fix this!

could someone make this thread a sticky? there are alot of ppl with this problem, and if someone finds a workaround to the problem, they could look it up in the sticky-post-section or whatever its called :-


Just registered to report the same. I spent 3 hours reading the lucasarts' forum concerning this bug, and found nothing. So this thread should really be bumped up or even make sticky.


The order which I visited the planets was: Dantooine, Nar-Shaddaa, Korriban, Dxun/Onderon. If I remember correctly, I got the Redemption quest from the man at the landing platform with the droid, but was able to persuade him out of his Jedi-delusions. The quest is still unfinished, actually the only ones left are from the Pazaak-Den and the main-line quest. This visit is after finding the Masters.


Another thing worth noting, it seems I got Dantooine to load (VERY slowly, with the black screen all the time) a few times by pressing ALT-F4 and cancelling that a few times. I even got sounds, but trying to move/save/do anything crashed the game to desktop.


Any supposed 1/3 load fixes didn't work for me either, and neither did any twiddling with graphics/sounds.


Until now the game has crashed a couple of times during combat, but mostly it runs almost perfecty at 1600x1200. (1280x1024 is as jerky as hell). I really hope the upcoming patch will fix this. And the title of this topic should probably be more describing...

Posted (edited)

New update:


This may not be related to the Redemption Quest or it may be how you get it. On my lightside game I am currently playing, I got the quest from the Administrator in Khoonda, not the guy in the landing bay. I've only done Peragus, Telos, Dantooine, and just started Narshadda. After landing at Nar Shadda I exited the Hawk, did the opening spiel, reboarded the Hawk and was able to land at Dantooine, exit the ship, get to the Enclave Courtyard and back to the Hawk. Will update again after I complete a few more planets.





I just finished Nar Shaddaa and am on my way to Dxun/Onderon.

Planet Order: Peragus->Telos->Dantooine->Nar Shaddaa->Dxun/Onderon.

Edited by airic

I think I read somewhere that things start to fall apart after Dxun/Onderon. Too bad I do not have a savegame before that, so I can't try it out. I experienced most of my crashes on the Sky Ramp and in the Palace. This is just so damn irritating, since this is a real stopper, and no side quests left.


I am the original poster of this thread, and I have since played through the game twice, just making sure that I did Dantooine last.


I have not had a problem with the game as long as I did Dantooine last, so I wonder if it is a Dantooine-First problem. I don't think it has anything to do with Dxun/Onderon, because I would get the black screen after just doing Datooine->Korriban.


I am playing through again, and am going to do Dantooine first this time...but I am going to try two different ways....one way will be normal...finish the planet and then go off some where (probably Nar Shadda). My second way will be to ALMOST complete Dantooine, but leave before it's actually finished, and then continue on with the game.


If people are having problems, if you don't mind restarting, it should work with no problems whatsoever if you do Dantooine last (and I would probably suspect as long as you don't do it first, you'll be ok).


Planet Order: Peragus->Telos->Dantooine->Nar Shaddaa->Dxun/Onderon->Korriban->Onderon(complete)


I was able to land on Dantooine and exit the Hawk and make it to the meeting with the Jedi Masters. I still have the Redemption Quest in my Journal as incomplete. Not sure what this means for those effected by this bug. Difference between me and most people is I got the mission from the Administrator and most(all?) the people effected get the quest from the guy in the landing area.


I don't think it has anything to do with the Redemption quest.


The two times I have played through the game I have had that quest "unfinished."


However, I still haven't seen anyone that has had the problem that did not go to Dantooine first.


It's the weekend now, so I might be able to get in some playing this weekend. I plan on going to Dantooine first and doing a couple of things differently.


I'm going to go all the way through Dantooine and finish the planet, and if my game dies, then I am going to try doing some of Dantooine but not quite finishing off the planet, and see where things go from there.


I have the same problem, and it really pisses me off. Only a black screen with cursor appears when I'm trying to enter Dantooine the second time. It seems like it doesn't happen when you go to Dantooine last cause that's what I succesfully did playing the game the first time. But since I didn't do that this time and I don't fancy playing a large section of the game again because of a pesky bug, there's not much to do but wait for the miraculous patch that will save us from Oblivion. Or was it Obsidian?


Asus K8N Deluxe

Athlon 64 3400+

1024 Mb DDR 400

Geforce 6800 GT


I've done the game successfully through a few times and have never had this problem. I even went to Dantooine as my first planet (after Telos) as well.


It is obvious the game is buggy as hell.


I also think this is why OE had to cut out all the original endings and other side-quests (Droid planet/factory) because if you read the dev dairies... Around Novemember they said they ran into a huge problem -- Presumably on the XBox version since that is the version that came first. It has not been confirmed, but I will bet that they were too ambitious (technically) and being pressured with a Dec. deadline had no choice but to ship the game in the state the way they did and with the truncated ending we have now.




RE: Redemption Quest Bug..


It has been speculated on the Spoilers Board that this is a direct result of some of the endings being cut. Basically, the whole "redemption" quest IS the main story. So, if they cut out key places where you could gain LS points and script triggers than there is no technical way to finish this:



  Reveal hidden contents



This is some big ass bug! now I'm all scared that I won't be able to finish the game. Do you peeps think that this bug have to do with the order of the planet you visit, or triggered by being dantooine the first planet you visit after telos? Because if it is the latter, i'm doomed!

BTW, the redemption quest also got stucked for me, after that mofo repair guy run away saying that you are a jedi and the quest list say that now it will be harder to make the jedis look good in dantooine. But there's nothing else you can do to finish that quest.

PS: what is this "truncated ending" I keep hearing about? even before I bought the game I heard something about the ending being cut or something like that? what's that all about?


Yet another Dantooine bug:


I'm lightside male, I did Peragus>Telos>Dxun&Onderon, now I'm on Dantooine.

I've already explored the Enclave sublevel and I've freed the Jedi Master in the cave. Now every time I try to enter Khoonda building, the stupid game crashes to desktop. Any ideas? (note: I was able to enter it, when I arrived to Dantooine).


I can't finish quests on Dantooine without entering stupid settlement!!!


Okay - I initially had this problem, visiting Dantooine first, Light-sided, and leaving the Redemption quest open.


I then replayed it, changing nothing except moving from a male to female character, and not picking up the Redemption quest.


The game played smoothly all the way to the abrupt (and rather easy) end.


Ah well.

Now to play it Dark Sided.


Let's hope the next RPG game actually has the full 3-dimensions as opposed to the paltry pseudo-3D that this has.

  Vorador said:
PS: what is this "truncated ending" I keep hearing about? even before I bought the game I heard something about the ending being cut or something like that? what's that all about?




There is a TON of content that was cut out probably due to either XBox incompatibility problems and or because of the rushed Dec. '04 ship date by Lucas Arts (LA).


You'll see why a lot of people feel really let down at the end of this game (for various reasons) and what is worse, the devs actually left IN certain parts that lead to the cut material that make the game very sloppy and incomplete...


Like the "Redemption" quest bug. They should have just completely cut it; the guy running off altogether... But either they didn't have time or just thought people wouldn't notice and this happens more frequently as you progress through the games (Side-quests are opened, but there is no resolution and you are left scratching your head).


I played through with Dantooine first without finishing the planet, and it still works fine.


I'll test it out fully finishing Dantooine hopefully next weekend.


Sharing the pain. I got stuck with the Dantooine bug as well. Tried every different combination of characters to take with me, tried to end as many quests as I could, but to no avail.


I have the unfinished Redemption quest as well and it's not the only unfinishable quest on the list. Loved the game to bits, had no noteworthy bugs with it, until ...


Purrrlease O-guys, gimme a fix!

  gullf1sk said:
I got this problem too.. when i try to leave the hawk, i get dumped to the main menu unable to do anything in the menus :|

i really hope a patch will fix this!

could someone make this thread a sticky? there are alot of ppl with this problem, and if someone finds a workaround to the problem, they could look it up in the sticky-post-section or whatever its called :)


I get this exact same problem. I've finished up pretty much everything, saved the Queen, talked to the old lady, she says to go to back to Dantooine (I was there much earlier in the game), I go there, select my party to get off the ship, then the game crashes back to the main screen and doesn't allow me to select anything. I've tried travelling back to other planets and I can get off the ship without a problem. Then I try to head back to Dantooine, go to select my party to get off the ship...same thing again. Crash back to main KotoR screen.


Are there any solutions to this problem? I've read something about people editing their save games to put you directly on the planet. Could anyone explain exactly what I need to do to be able to do this? Do you need a special type of program to do so?


As another issue, does anyone know if this is one of the issues that will be corrected by the patch?


I've spent hours upon hours trying to get this to work (this is completely aside from the fact that I have to restart the game every ten minutes when it crashes, but it's finally hit a point that it seemly *can't* get by), but after trying to go to different planets then come back, try different teams of guys, and search boards for hours on end, I'm now out of ideas. Any help is *greatly* appreciated.


Thanks very much in advance, guys.


What I am about to post is Spoilerish... But I am not going to do it with the Spoiler Tags because it is very relevant to some of your problems:


What is supposed to happen the second time you return to Dantooine after you reunite all the Jedi Masters is that Kriea reveals herself as the real villainess of the game.


If most of you are crashing here... Or whenever you try and go to Dantooine when it is not the second (or third after Telos) planet your travel to... This is where a critical script is supposed to activate the tells the game one of two things:


1) That you are returning to Dantooine to reunite the Jedi Masters and thus, propel the final (act III) of the story where you chase Kriea down and kill her and the rest of the Sith Lords (regardless if you are LS/DS).


2) That this is in fact your first visit to the planet in order to get your lightsaber crystals and parts so by the time you leave Dantooine, you've got your Jedi weapon.


It is obvious why this crash is happening here from a story perspective and a psuedo-technical reason as well.


This is also evidence of where Obsidian had to make drastic cuts to meet the Christmas '04 deadline and why the rest of the game is pretty much a bunch of sequences that don't go anywhere and that has basically no ending.


I think if OE didn't have to make the cuts... None of you would be having this problem.


You've got to mail LA and specifically describe this bug as well as post it on the Bugs Thread that OE supposedly looks at (stickied at the top of this forum).


As far as workarounds...


I haven't heard of any.


As I said, I was/am lucky enough not to get this bug... But I know a ton of people aren't, but like I said, I think I know why it is doing it, but it is something only the developers can correct internally because the last half of the game depends on Dantooine's correct scripts being triggered and this is why I think you are all crashing at this one specific point and this one specific planet.

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