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T3 won't make spikes for me?

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Well, I don't know what is going on. I have no, nsda, zero computer spikes and T3 won't make any for me. And I just sold all I had to make some bucks, thinking I'd get him to replace them. Anyone have any idea what is going on? I can always buy some back for now, but this is going to get expensive I think, and it custs off a source of ready cash. Help! Thanks.



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He makes like 2 or 3 for you, then I think you're on your own after that. That's like in KoTOR1 where everyone who gives you something (Canderous and his stimulants, Jolee and his medkit, Zalbar and his grenade) only gives you one... after that you get a statement from them saying you don't need any more at the moment.

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