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My brain couldn't handle so many unanswered questions so it tried solving the puzzle by itself and came up with this. This may get long but bare with me and try reading it all.


- Sion, and Nihilus are Traya's students at the Trayus academy on Malachor V .. everyone knows that, but everyone also knows that there is the rule of two.. and sooner or later there must be a master and an apprentice.

- Everyone knows Sion is very chopped up, his bones crushed repeatedly over a long period of time, etc. My reason for this? Nihilus and Sion fought to become Trayas sole apprentice, yet neither could win because their hate, and anger kept holding their bodies together, and they both just kept on becoming more and more broken.

- They realize that through their constant competition that they are now strong enough to defeat Traya, so they cast her out.

- Sion leaves for a reason I'm leaving up in the air, maybe he went to find Kreia. Anyhoo..

- During the final battle at Malachor when the MSG is used, Nihilus is trapped on Malachor as we know. He doesn't die, because of the force holding him together. The exile can't take the noise of so many dying people, it almost kills him so he cuts himself from the force. Unknowingly, while he does that he is also severing Nihilus off from the force. (Jedi masters have the knowledge to cut others off from the Force, The Exile just does this without meaning to, in the desperation to end the screaming in his head.)

- Nihilus, now severed from the force, discovers that while he can no longer feel the force himself, whatever cut him off has also created an echo within him that lets him feed off the force that flows through others.

- He takes the Ravanger off of Malachor to search for force sensitives to feed his hunger, become the shadow that haunts the Galaxy.

To me, this explains why the Exile lived so long without the force while Nihilus needs the force to survive.

When the Exile starts to use the force again, he uses his echo to tap into the force of those around him. Not enough to kill them obviously, while Nihilus needs much more to survive, so he has to consume entire planets.

To me this also explains the scenes between Nihilus and the Exile on the Ravenger above Telos. Nihilus finds out that it was the Exile who cut him off, and assumes he can get his 'essence' (as he puts it) back. When he tries to consume the force from the Exile he finds him just as empty as he is, and becomes very easy to kill.



Now just is just my theory, so you can tell me what you think, but don't make me feel too bad by telling me how horrible you think it is. Lol.. Just some feedback maybe? I'm up for discussion.


There is no rule of two at this point. That was imposed by Darth Bane over 1000 years after KOTOR. That's why these Sith exist, as well as many other Sith, such as the true Sith empire in the unknown regions. Many Sith... that's why there are Sith Masters and Apprentices as well as the Dark Jedi and the petty Sith troopers and assassins.

"You shall not pass!"

I gave my explanation of Kreia, Nihilus, Sion in another 3D...


anyway i really think that both Nihilus and Sion where born at malachor V


during the game Kreia speak about echoes of what happened on malachor V and when she speak about these echoes she seem to refer to the sith lords, and Nihilus in particular.


It seem that when the Exile cut his bound in the force the essences of the ones he was linked to where drained and destroyed.


My supposition is that both Nihilus and Sion where jedi, or force sensitive soldiers during the mandalorean war, they where all present on Malachor V and linked to the exile at the moment of his decision so they had their essence drained but for a reason or another they survived


my speculation is that Nihilus was able to instinctively leech the essence of the ones around him to survive, while Sion fueled his power by his own pain (but this is really just a big speculation)


They slowly recovered and became apprentices of darth Traya.

I think that the idea that they where alredy Kreia's apprentices is interesting.


I suspect that darth Traya too was at Malachor V during the battle, but can't say if she suffered a similar fate.

I'm quite sure she is an echo too, but maybe that was caused when Nihilus drained her years later.



about Sion shattered body my theory is that he was on a ship that crashed on malachor or maybe was directly exposed at the effect of the "dark big bomb thing" that almost destroyed his body, but was still able to survive due to the pain/dark power and the drain essence thing.


It does say in the game that Sion and Nihilus betrayed Traya because they wanted to kill the Jedi. Their mommy said no so they beat her up, stripped her of the force and started their shadow war against the Jedi.


Maybe the True Sith Empire is somewhat like Palpatine's empire. {Just some rambling}

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