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How high does my treat injury skill need to be to create the Universal D?


I am level 18 or 19 and have 25 in treat injury, including stat bonuses. The Perception-D implant requires 29. I don't even see Universal-D, so I assume it is significantly more to create.


Given that the other implants are fairly weak, I had planned on giving Univ-Ds to all my NPCs and have been focusing on increasing their CON to 18. But I haven't really found any good implants yet. It would be nice to know about what treat injury skill I am shooting for,


Unlike the other skills, I haven't found much that increases treat injury. It seems to be pretty much skills + WIS alone.


I am not sure that implant can ever be made. I just bought that from Oondar at Nar Shaada (the old quick save before talking to merchant trick until what you want pops up).


I will be sad if it can't be made as I have not found any and I have been buffing my CON and treat injury skills in anticipation of universal-D.


After buffing my skills slightly, I see that the enhancement-D package (the one with weapons skills) requires 38 in treat injury. Every D-package is 8 or 9 more than the last. Even if you are level 27 or 28 at the end and have a reasonable WIS and some buffing items, it will still be hard to get much more than that. If Univ-D can be created, the stats required must be ridiculously high. And I'll be very sad if I can't make it.

I am not sure that implant can ever be made.  I just bought that from Oondar at Nar Shaada (the old quick save before talking to merchant trick until what you want pops up).



What trick? I'd appreciate if u enlighten me :D

I am not sure that implant can ever be made.  I just bought that from Oondar at Nar Shaada (the old quick save before talking to merchant trick until what you want pops up).



What trick? I'd appreciate if u enlighten me :D


Before talking to a merchant for the first time, save your game. If you don't like what you see, reload. Each Merchant's inventory is randomly generated the first time you talk to them. If you reload enough, you can concieveably get anything you want.

Hawk! Eggplant! AWAKEN!


I don't know what stipulations are involved in using the universal D-cup implants

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.


>What's the treat injury skill? 30?


That's what I'm asking and no one has been able to answer. My treat injury skill with buffs is 35, and I still can't make it. I can see implants up to 39, and its' not there. So it must be significantly higher. How much higher can it be? If most people finish the game around level 26-27, that would put your max base treat injury skill at about 30. Add +7-8 for bonuses of a highly buffed wisdom (including force powers -- mastor valor), other buffing equipment (D-Skills implant for +6, +3 from skills belt), about the highest reasonable modified treat injury skill I can see one getting would be about 50, certainly not more that 55 which would be a stretch that would take a near-max level character and a lot of really good equipment. I can see up to 39 and no universal-D implant, and that's why I'm starting to get concerned. If it's not within the next 10, if it's over 50, there would be virtually no *realistic* way to make the implant.


If the implant can in fact be made, as some here have asserted, certainly there should be no difficulty for them to check their games and see at what skill level the Universal-D implant becomes available, and post their finding here.


I just ran some tests, using the cheat codes on IGN.com (see http://cheats.ign.com/ob2/068/608/608569.html?fromint=1 ) to increase my treat injury skill to 99.


And guess what? The highest implant I can make is in fact the enhancement-D (weapon skill) package that requires a treat injury skill of 38. Nothing better than that; you can only make poor-quality implants.


The whole game I've been getting all my chars up to CON 18 and buffing my WIS and treat injury to be able to use the Universal-D implant based on misinformation previously provided by some posters on this board in other threads who assured me that yes, the universal-D implant can be made. That is a load of baloney, they don't know, they've never done it, it can't be made. If I am lucky I might find one universal-D implant in the entire game, I might find none, but I sure as heck can't make any. And I have all these characters with CON of 17 and 18 when the CON12, CON14, and CON16 implants I have are just as good or better than the sucky CON18 implants that only give a +1STR/CON bonus or useless weapon feats that I already have or don't need.


Foo on lab stations.


In order to provide correct information and avoid further confusion on this topic...


I've listed below the implants and items that can be created at a lab station with treat injury skill. This list is comprehensive (I used a cheat to enhance my treat injury skill to over 100.


Item Required Skill (Treat Injury) Chemicals

Medpack 1 20

Adv Medpack 10 40

Life Support 20 75

Antidote Kit 5 24


Implant Required Skill (Treat Injury) Chemicals Bonuses

CON12 implants

Reflex Package 8 17 Reflex saves +1

Pheromone Package 17 150 CHA +1, Persuade +1

Cardio Package 26 450 CON +1

Strength Package 35 850 STR +1


CON 14 implants

Retinal Combat 5 37 awareness +1, immune to critical hits

Lornan 18 150 10% electricity immunity, 5% energy immunity

Biotech 27 450 regenerate vitality points 1

Power 36 850 STR+2, fortitude +1


CON 16 implants

Bioantidote 10 37 CON+1, immunity to poison

Nerve enhancer 19 150 stun, fear, horror immunity

Reaction system 28 450 DEX+3

Advanced combat 37 850 Attack +1, blaster pistol& rifle weapon focus &weapon specialization


CON 18 implants

Strength-D 11 37 STR+1, CON+1

Immunity-D 20 150 immune to critical hits, poison, stun, fear, horror

Perception-D 29 450 WIS+2, CHA+1

Enhancement-D 38 850 dueling, improved dueling, master dueling, two weapon fighting (TWF), improved TWF, master TWF


Required implant CON requires natural CON without item modification or other bonuses (force mastery, force powers)

There is no way to make Universal-D implants or other high-end implants.

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