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PMC: Will playing TSL make you view the first KOTOR differently in any way?


CA: Probably not. It`ll still be the same awesome game it was the first time around. You will, however, REALLY be looking forward to any future sequels, if there are any.


That was an old Playmoreconsoles.com interview that I did with Chris Avellone back in June of 2004.


Watching the Star Wars PT makes you really view the Star Wars OT in a different way. Especially when you all see EP3, you will definatly view Vader differently in the OT. George Lucas makes you feel sorry for him.


But enough with the movies, this is abou the videogames. With the PT/OT thing being in mind, I had to ask Chris that question. When I play TSL and beat it, and then go back and play KOTOR, will I see it in a different way? He said probably not but I say it does especially Revan. Play TSL I see KOTOR in a whole new light.


What about you guys?


this is probably better off in the spoiler forum, since reasons in my answer (and more than likely other peoples answers) will contain spoiler info.


however, since it isnt in the spoiler thread i will just answer with a "yes" it has changed how i viewed kotor1, specifically the events and "reasons" for certain events.


true, but whats the point of having a thread where 50% or more of the text is blacked out, rather than posting in the spoiler or storyline discussion where 100% of the text responses can be seen without spoiler tags?

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