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Gamespot Review

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Yup, 8.5... Not bad. The best thing in the game seems to be the story and voice acting, while the down points are the graphics and the bugs. Yes bugs, including crashes to desktop during load screens. I mean come on, it isn't like they didn't see that happening during QA... And don't tell me that PCs are so varied in hardware that you can't find all the possible hardware issues etc. that's the most lame excuse ever. If a QA department doesn't have a wide array of different machines, what kind of QA department is that ?? And it isn't like the reviewers on gamesites use obsolete or uncommun hardware either. In any case, most bugs users encounter in games are a result of exceptions in the code that the programmers didn't think about, and not hardware. Which should have been found during QA, cause those game reviewers found them easily. I'm going in circles now, I guess I'm just too pissed off, as I was eagerly waiting for this game.

I'm a bit disapointed, but then again it took 3 patches for KotOR to become virtually bug free, so there is still hope.


Anyways, I think I'll pass until there are words of a patch to fix the issues that ppl will report on this board.

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Yup, 8.5... Not bad. The best thing in the game seems to be the story and voice acting, while the down points are the graphics and the bugs. Yes bugs, including crashes to desktop during load screens. I mean come on, it isn't like they didn't see that happening during QA... And don't tell me that PCs are so varied in hardware that you can't find all the possible hardware issues etc. that's the most lame excuse ever.  If a QA department doesn't have a wide array of different machines, what kind of QA department is that ?? And it isn't like the reviewers on gamesites use obsolete or uncommun hardware either. In any case, most bugs users encounter in games are a result of exceptions in the code that the programmers didn't think about, and not hardware. Which should have been found during QA, cause those game reviewers found them easily. I'm going in circles now, I guess I'm just too pissed off, as I was eagerly waiting for this game.

I'm a bit disapointed, but then again it took 3 patches for KotOR to become virtually bug free, so there is still hope.


Anyways, I think I'll pass until there are words of a patch to fix the issues that ppl will report on this board.

It is usually customary to provide a link to the article. :thumbsup:

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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-If- they put out patches.


If they won't, we need to start flooding every place that cares about NWN 2 with warnings that they won't stand behind their work.


Lol, that's mean. I wonder if the game will be using the bioware automatic update system ??


Maybe it is mean. But if it happens, it happens. And NWN2 flopping would potentially ruin Obsidian and their rep.


People are saying that it's come in at some places, is the updating system still there, for patching, or is it noticably missing?

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