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While playing Kotor 2 I just got the overall feeling as if Apocalypse Now era Coppola had directed a Star Wars film. The overall darkness, depth, contradiction in philosophy etc.


This is basically a spot for me to gather my thoughts on the history behind both KOTOR's how they connect and so on.


Starting at the beginning, we have Kreia/Traya/Darth Traya/We don't really know her True name training Revan as her padawan. She must have always been a gray Jedi, leading Revan to question the orders of the Council during the Mandalorian War and lead his apprentice Malak and many others, including the Exile, to battle. They defeated the Mandalorians on Malachor V by causing massive devastation to the planet thanks to Bao-Dur's Mass Shadow Generator. This event, this massive destruction of so many being cut off from the Force caused a rip/wound/echo in the force that disconnected the Exile from it. He chose to remain disconnected and answered to the Council, who deemed that he leave to go to the Outer Rim.


Meanwhile, Revan and Malak were learning the Ways of the Sith. From The Trayus Academy they learned of Korriban and from there led their way to the ultimate Dark Side weapon, The Star Forge. Revan led a massive invasion, crushing his opposition until Malak seized the opportunity and attacked. From here Revan was captured by the Jedi, Force mindwiped and sent back to lead the Republic to the Sith. He discovered this when confronted by Malak, and was forced to choose Redemption or Revenge. He defeated Malak eventually, and a year after this left the devestated Galaxy behind to pursue the True Sith.


Kreia had followed in Revan's footsteps in order to learn what he did of the Force. She possibly was outcast by the Jedi after Revan's Fall, I'm not sure. She discovered Trayus, and took upon herself a new apprentice Sion. But then Darth Traya was overtaken by Sion and a new threat, Darth Nihilus, a true Sith apparently who was born of the destruction of Malachor V. Nihilus is the most unclear character so..yeah..


Afterwards, Kreia wanted to destroy The Force, to end it's influence and gain freedom forever. She pursued the Exiled General, after finding The Ebon Hawk and Revan's Plans. How did she get in contact with the Exile? How did the Exile end up on board the Ebon Hawk? Afterwards, she manipulates the Exile to destroy all Force users and eventually reveals her plans. She dies fighting the Exile after revealing the future and Revan's Plan. And then the game ends with the Exile following Revan into the Unknown Reaches.


Anyone care to fill in some gaps here for me?


Well, that was an overall spoiling experience. I stopped reading after about the first paragraph, and already the game feels spoiled. >_<


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