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Bugs, Bugs, Bugs ... kinda has spoilers ...

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Well I completed the game once and got mira, atton and boa jedi'd up and was annoyed because some missions werent completed and I couldnt complete them due to what seems are bugs ...


second attempt and I was carefull to do things in a certain order ... now I cant complete missions from the first time I played it ...


example ... with gotos yaucht destroyed there are nar sherdaa + telos missions I cant complete and they should be done. hutt wont sell fuel, cant complete those missions, dock guy wont take refugees until hijackings stop, yet i was able to assign freighter order and get him a pilot? what? why? how?


and lets not forget scenes where theres dialog and no picture ... kinda hard to answer those ones ...


looking like i might use the stores 10 day return policy ...

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If you can, do it.  Consider yourself lucky that you can get a full refund.


For the Pilot and Refugees (looking for transport off station) there is actually 2 different ways each to complete the quest, and yes you can finish Goto's yauth and go back to finish them so no clue why you say you cant.


Far as fuel goes, hey it makes sence! Either you speak to The Hutt before crippling Goto and make arrangements for Telos to get fuel or you miss out. Why would the Hutt deal with you after you have already crippled Gotto? I mean whats in it for him? Makes perfect sence!


Also you can go back to Telos and finish any Telos quest at any given time! There is absolutely 0 quests on Telos that you are NOT able to finish later on in game.


As for returning the game, go for it. You would be returning the best RPG game of 2004 by a huge margin. If I was the store you purchased from id take your name down and refuse to sell to you ever again in the future because if you cant be happy with this game then you will never be happy with any game!

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Well i have the bugs too. I cant acces the bounty missions on telos after goto and cant do the fuel either. Sucks big time

This is what happens when you can't repair HK-47: [Failure] ...aahhhh! What are you doing?! Remove the arc wrench, remove the arc wrench! Medic!


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If I was the store you purchased from id take your name down and refuse to sell to you ever again in the future because if you cant be happy with this game then you will never be happy with any game!


This is why 10 year olds aren't allowed to manage stores.


Wow, was that a (poor ) attempt at a insult?


Im hurt! No really I am! Seriously! No no honestly! Ok not really but cant blame a guy for trying!


run along little child, come back when your intellegence at least matchs your shoe size :ermm:

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If I was the store you purchased from id take your name down and refuse to sell to you ever again in the future because if you cant be happy with this game then you will never be happy with any game!


This is why 10 year olds aren't allowed to manage stores.


Wow, was that a (poor ) attempt at a insult?


Im hurt! No really I am! Seriously! No no honestly! Ok not really but cant blame a guy for trying!


run along little child, come back when your intellegence at least matchs your shoe size :wacko:



You will be hurt if you don't shut your trap.


Oh, by the way, if your so smart, how come you can't spell intelligence?

"There is no running or hiding, Jedi. Your times up."


-Boba Fett-


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If I was the store you purchased from id take your name down and refuse to sell to you ever again in the future because if you cant be happy with this game then you will never be happy with any game!


This is why 10 year olds aren't allowed to manage stores.


Wow, was that a (poor ) attempt at a insult?


Im hurt! No really I am! Seriously! No no honestly! Ok not really but cant blame a guy for trying!


run along little child, come back when your intellegence at least matchs your shoe size :)



You will be hurt if you don't shut your trap.


Oh, by the way, if your so smart, how come you can't spell intelligence?


Right on! My own personal Spellchecker!

I also post on LA forums, SOE SWG forums, VN EQ2/DAoC/WoW forums, and of course my guild forums.


Kindly drop by those and spellcheck my posts there as well please!


Thanks :)

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Wow, was that a (poor ) attempt at a insult?


Im hurt! No really I am! Seriously! No no honestly! Ok not really but cant blame a guy for trying!


run along little child, come back when your intellegence at least matchs your shoe size ;)


Lets see how this works:


Wow, was that a (poor) attempt at an insult?


I'm hurt! No really I am! Seriously! No no honestly! Ok, not really, but can't blame a guy for trying!


Run along little child and come back when your intelligence at least matches your shoe size. :)


Wow, that worked both ways, amazing...

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In a kind of interesting bug/oversight... you can usually get the Hutt to deal with you after you blow up the Yacht. Despite GOTO's little empire being blown up, you can walk in, he'll say he's having problems, offer to help for fuel, and he'll tell you to deal with GOTO (you can do this with GOTO in the party too). Start up a conversation with him again, and negotiate the fuel trade (had this work in all of my games). Unfortunately, despite the earlier bit where the Captain in Telos said he'd like you to tell him if you find some fuel, that section of the fuel quest was never put in... so, sucks for you. You can get a finder's fee from the Hutt, but that's it.


I agree with the earlier poster about returning though. Take it back if you can, you could always use the cash to buy a less buggy PC version in a month if you're so inclined (I'd wait and make sure the bugs are actually fixed though).

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Well Im on my fourth time going round ... just to say I completed it like blah blah blah ... and the bugs are OUTSTANDING ... Ive came accross several missions that if you miss one thing out it wont let you complete it, Ive reloaded parts so many times its untrue - just go back and do one dumb bonus mission ... now 4th time doing gotos yaucht and i step in the ebon hawk and ... nothing ... just goto and kreia aboard and NOTHING works, I cant use map (maps grey and black strips and area is 'misc' or something similar), I cant leave the ebon hawk ... nada ... pretty poor ... I wouldnt mind if this was the one thing that had screwed up ... but come on ...


You (the kotor2 team) have no idea HOW DISSAPOINTED I AM IN THIS, I bet many players do though. Its simple really - do it right or not at all, if you cant make games DONT. Let someone else do the work and do it properly ... I couldnt believe it when I uttered the words 'Beneath a Steel Sky IS better than this' and that was on the Amiga in the 90s :thumbsup: If its down to beta testers ... in house = replace them ... contracted company = replace it ...


On the plus side ... this probably my LAST time playing it I think I got all the quests as went along, even if I had for example to go back 6 hrs because of some stupid little bug and I made Atton Jedi and got my lightsaber long before the Sith chick shows up ...


Refunds ... electronics boutique / game do a 10 day refund and some of the independants will also do that to compete with them ...

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If you can, do it.  Consider yourself lucky that you can get a full refund.


For the Pilot and Refugees (looking for transport off station) there is actually 2 different ways each to complete the quest, and yes you can finish Goto's yauth and go back to finish them so no clue why you say you cant.


Far as fuel goes, hey it makes sence! Either you speak to The Hutt before crippling Goto and make arrangements for Telos to get fuel or you miss out. Why would the Hutt deal with you after you have already crippled Gotto? I mean whats in it for him? Makes perfect sence!


Also you can go back to Telos and finish any Telos quest at any given time! There is absolutely 0 quests on Telos that you are NOT able to finish later on in game.


As for returning the game, go for it. You would be returning the best RPG game of 2004 by a huge margin. If I was the store you purchased from id take your name down and refuse to sell to you ever again in the future because if you cant be happy with this game then you will never be happy with any game!



Id also like to point out that your wrong on every point there ... and hey theres someone else posting it ...


Were you part of the team? With a failure rate of 100% you might be considered ... Next time engage brain before mouth, with 1000s of people reporting many different types of bugs I wouldnt argue with someone that said it blew up their box by using 100% cpu power and the dvd drive spinning top speed for 6 hrs ... All this rubbish about 'its your box version' 'its the dvd type' 'its this' 'its that' Its down to the person who said 'yes this game is ready for release' and the people that told them that.

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If you can, do it.  Consider yourself lucky that you can get a full refund.


For the Pilot and Refugees (looking for transport off station) there is actually 2 different ways each to complete the quest, and yes you can finish Goto's yauth and go back to finish them so no clue why you say you cant.


Far as fuel goes, hey it makes sence! Either you speak to The Hutt before crippling Goto and make arrangements for Telos to get fuel or you miss out. Why would the Hutt deal with you after you have already crippled Gotto? I mean whats in it for him? Makes perfect sence!


Also you can go back to Telos and finish any Telos quest at any given time! There is absolutely 0 quests on Telos that you are NOT able to finish later on in game.


As for returning the game, go for it. You would be returning the best RPG game of 2004 by a huge margin. If I was the store you purchased from id take your name down and refuse to sell to you ever again in the future because if you cant be happy with this game then you will never be happy with any game!



Id also like to point out that your wrong on every point there ... and hey theres someone else posting it ...


Were you part of the team? With a failure rate of 100% you might be considered ... Next time engage brain before mouth, with 1000s of people reporting many different types of bugs I wouldnt argue with someone that said it blew up their box by using 100% cpu power and the dvd drive spinning top speed for 6 hrs ... All this rubbish about 'its your box version' 'its the dvd type' 'its this' 'its that' Its down to the person who said 'yes this game is ready for release' and the people that told them that.



errr WTH are you talking about????


where did I say it was your box? DvD? Ect ect ect?


/totally and completely boogled at this reply.


Seriously, wth are you talking about cause I cant see anything in my reply (the one you quoted) that even remotely matchs your rant here?????


You asked about pilot quest, I replied (and there is TWO ways to complete it 1) speak to the hanger manager after Gotos yauht, 2) get him hired by the 3 aliens waiting on their capt whose in the bar getting drunk!). You asked about fuel quest, again I replied with the REAL answer to question.


WTH are you smoking regarding the rest? Are dillussions a normal thing in your life????????


Side note: man this is stupidity at its grandest! You help a person and answer their questions and get flamed. you whine up a storm and create lies and false fiction about the game and every 12 year old posts things your a god! <utterly and completely amazed at the absolute proof in forced sterilization being displayed here by some>

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Ill break it down for you ...


I (me) wouldnt argue with someone (a person) if they told me that the game was responsible for blowing up their xbox because it is that buggy ... the rest of it was about some excuses that the people that worked on the game made up elsewhere. They also blamed lots of people for installing it on their harddrive and said that was the problem, no I didnt mention that either. Ok, I admit I should have pointed out the part where I had finished replying to you or said something like ...


You never helped anyone, you were told ITS BUGGED. It SOMETIMES WORKS and IT SOMETIMES DOESNT. But NO, YOU know better ... Look at the original post I say that I cannot complete missions I completed the first time. It didnt matter who I spoke to, it was BUGGED. In Nar Shaddaa I basically took the quickest route to goto and it only allowed me to do some missions after it, I completed all the ones that HAD to be done by then. The Hutt said that he didnt see goto in chains behind me, i told him he was done, he said he knew and so I thought it was all done with another few convos. I look at my missions and telos fuel etc are still there, I go back to him and it happens all over again. I went to the dock guy and he takes on the pilot but wont take the family because of the hijackings ...


Ive just creamed gotos yaucht again ... I get into the ebon hawk, I see the cut scene ... back to the ebon hawk with only kreia and goto onboard, no galaxy map in ****pit and the map of the ebon hawk is 'untitled' ... Lemme guess ... Ive got the dvd upside down this time.


omg it censored a word thats like valid ... sigh ... and BTW for the Nar Shaddaa bug I reloaded the same game from about 4hrs previous and it worked fine doing it the way I was trying to do it ... the way you said to do it that I had already tried ...

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