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Will KOTOR2 have Downloadable content?

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Pot meet kettle...


What a good waste of a earth made material... :thumbsup:


Well Epiphany, through a process known as chemical weathering, rock is broken down into smaller pieces that can be known as sediment. Giving a liberal amount to a matchbox would yield about 10,000 units in the system know as IQ.


NEGATIVE! There will be no filling of matchboxes tonight.

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Woo go brainbox me :D


And onto the new discussion...


What is Epiphany's sexual orientation? :ph34r:


Personally i think Epiphany is obviously a transexual homosexual female hermaphrodite :)


OMG! You are by far, the funniest person on the internets!! I'm glad you get hardons thinking about me when I'm not around though. I must admit though, it's rather disturbing that your life is so pathetic that you must continually discuss someone throughout the night. Might have been flattering if you just stopped at one post, try a little harder next time, and you might get whatever cyber love you're looking for with a different person.

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Roflmao... the reason i do it is to here your replies :D


Besides i didnt hear anyone standing up for you?



Anyways i think your a guy.... but then again i cant be sure so i ahd to ask in the only way i know how.... care to answer the question?


O yeah and i posted that whilst you were still online and in this forum so tis hardly like you hadnt seen it before :)

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Roflmao... the reason i do it is to here your replies :D


Besides i didnt hear anyone standing up for you?



Anyways i think your a guy.... but then again i cant be sure so i ahd to ask in the only way i know how.... care to answer the question?


O yeah and i posted that whilst you were still online and in this forum so tis hardly like you hadnt seen it before :)


Why would I *ever* need someone to stand up for me on an internet forum? Do you actually take this cyber life of yours so seriously that you feel you need friends to cuddle with during times of distress while posting about video games? I know enough about what I talk about regarding this game that I don't need someone to stand behind me going "YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!". It just further proves how pathetic you've allowed your life to become if that's how you place your priorities.


But to answer your question, I'm an ape with a symbiotic relationship to a mushroom.

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Roflmao... the reason i do it is to here your replies :D


Besides i didnt hear anyone standing up for you?



Anyways i think your a guy.... but then again i cant be sure so i ahd to ask in the only way i know how.... care to answer the question?


O yeah and i posted that whilst you were still online and in this forum so tis hardly like you hadnt seen it before :)


Why would I *ever* need someone to stand up for me on an internet forum? Do you actually take this cyber life of yours so seriously that you feel you need friends to cuddle with during times of distress while posting about video games? I know enough about what I talk about regarding this game that I don't need someone to stand behind me going "YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!". It just further proves how pathetic you've allowed your life to become if that's how you place your priorities.


But to answer your question, I'm an ape with a symbiotic relationship to a mushroom.


So your saying your an anti-social?

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Just great. Was submitting my post and my Internet shut off and now it's gone.


Jaden you get a bit too personal. Me for an example; I'm only here to discuss KOTOR 2, yet you come here asking if someone is a girl or not, digging deeper in their personal life. Maybe it's funny sometimes, it's not like I have no humour, but it's a bit annoying when odd comments pop up in the middle of a real discussion.

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