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Handmaiden problem

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Hi i've got problem with the handmaiden... I want her to become my apprentice and I heard that I need to defeat her 3 times in battle in order to train her...

So, here's my problem...she's angry, she say that I have only confiance in the blind women and not in her.... So when i want to talk to her again she says that we have nothing to say and she want me to leave her alone.... If this will changed eventually or she will be upset for the rest of my game??? :thumbsup:


Thanks a lot

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If she won't talk to you on the Ebon Hawk stick her in your party and do good deeds in front of her. Eventually you'll find some places where you can gain influence. I just made her a dark jedi today :D


I got Atton to convert last night so all I have left is the Irodian (or whatever he is). I've seduced my entire crew completely and utterly and I still haven't visted Korriban or Onederan!

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Handmaiden blabs about her stupid Echani training crap, but Bao-Dur or Visas OR Atton OR EVEN T3-M4 could kick her ass in anytime, anyday, one on one and anyplace.

"There is no running or hiding, Jedi. Your times up."


-Boba Fett-


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Handmaiden, like most of the other NPCs, can be very powerful if used and developed properly. Some people, though, like to blame their poor character development choices on some inherent weakness in the game.


Of the convertable characters, the one that I've had the most problems with is Bao-Dur, mostly because he was a level 20 Tech before switching over, and as a result he had some low HP. Should've given him Toughness...

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heheh Handmaiden is awsome! Very powerful character if you raise her skills correctly!


I personally prefer Mira or Visra myself over handmaided but she is not a terrible character!!!!


To raise Handmaiden influence, there is a few ways!


1) When training with her defeat her taking almost no damage! (Kriea hints at this when you speak to her). While you dont see "influence gained" message, defeating her in such a manner has opened new communication lines to me!

2) heal the ill man in refugee sector of Nar Shadaar

3) Help Kumas on Dunx (careful with this one, depending on communication choices you can gain or lose influence)

4)Stand up to the mercs when leaving Caves on Dant (after freeing the Sith Lord Vrook)

5) Give republic spy a open starport visa on Onderon

6) Speak to her often (this is where you will gain most of your influence over her)


*Note* and while no influence given, Have her and Atton in group when approached to give up the Ebon Hawk (choose to give it up), the dialog between the two is hillarious!

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