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Not the kind that you have meals on. I'm talking about the kind with numbers and words and numbers arranged on a vertical an horizonatl manner. The type that is on occasion listed on the back of rpg game manuals. The kind that was missing from kotor 1's xbox manuals but were listed on pc manuals.


You! Manual writers!


Where they is??

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Unfortunately most people seem to hate manuals. A shame.

If more people ask for detailed and well written manuals that would be great.


I've been asking for that ever since the fiasco that was the KOTOR 1 manuals.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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The more complicated a game, and the more useful a manual would be, the more you can be sure that the manual is incorrect and/or out of date. I haven't bought a game in months with a manual that was both correct and thorough.


Apparently manual are written during the alpha of the game or something, because more often then not, they contain big errors, are missing things, and have some information about stuff that is either changed or removed. MMORPG manuals, are somewhat forgiven, (due to the changing nature of the genre), despite the fact that even at release most of them are totally out of date. But most every game has things wrong in the manual. So wrong, that the manuals can't even be trusted most of the time.

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Im going to buy the Strategy guide simply for the data, and once I do Im going to post my personal set of tables based on the information they provide. After all, we got shafted with that, and I want everyone else to have the info. Of course, if someone beats me to it(I wont have time for a day or two).....

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Completely agree with the original poster.


KOTOR for the Xbox had bad docs. KOTOR for the PC had better docs.


KOTOR2 for the Xbox has worse docs than the first one. KOTOR 2 for the PC...?


The strat guide doesnt have any detailed character class information either, believe it or not.


What I am looking for is:


Feat and Force Power progression per class

Schedule of 'free' feats per class. Like Force Jump for Guardians at level 1, etc.


Skill points per level formula.

Which skills are class skills for which classes?


I am the kind of guy who enjoys planning my character development. I am not alone. Without the above information, it is impossible to intelligently plan a character. So why was it left out?





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Has anyone checked the dreaded LucasArts forums to see if the information is posted there?  Maybe the devs are paying more attention to those forums than these.


Bite your tongue! Don't even suggest doing such a thing. Unless you want to be swarmed by a bunch of 11-13 year old kids who think they are actual Jedi.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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