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Video Card


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Well, while you might think PCI Express is a reasonable investment right now, for $500 you can get a non PCI Express GFX card that will knock the bloody socks off of all the PCI Express cards out right now.  Don't remember the exact name right now, but it's by 3D Labs, it's one of their Wildcat series, and it has 512 MB onboard DDR RAM.  I haven't actually seen a review on it yet, but it's fully Direct X 9.0 and Open GL compatible, and so long as it's coupled with a decent GPU, more onboard RAM means almost universally better performance.  That's what I'll be buying along with the above mentioned upgrade to keep my PC up to snuff until next year when BTX Form Factor comes out, and this year's tech prices have gone down.  :unsure:

I would be very caeful when buying a wildcat card for games. Number one the cheapest I have seen it sold for is $700.00. Reason number two being there is a difference between a gaming card and a rendering card. From all the information I have gathered these cards are built specifically for rendering in CAD and for people doing Computer animation. Which means all the fun support for pixle shaders, anti ailising, and anisotropic filtering are non existant. Also more ram does not always equal faster, the arciteture of the card has a lot to do with it also. This is appearant in the new Maximum PC where the lower clock speed of the GeForce 6800 gt was offset by more pixel pipelines giving it an edge in the bench marks over the X800 pro. Most people also assume more GHZ=better performance.



The new 512 MB model is fully OpenGL 2.0 and DirectX 9.0c compatible. I just haven't seen many reviews on it. They're trying to compete with the big names, only time will tell if they succeed. Of course, AMD and ATI used to be little players too, and look at the behemoths they've become. :(

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ATI used to be a little player? Maybe in 3d accelator market, but definately not in the graphic card business as a whole... That is, when those two things were still somewhat separate.



Erm...first of all, how old are you? Everyone used to buy Nvidia/3DFX instead of ATI, because they were so new to the market. Just like Intel vs. AMD. =)

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