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Well they can take what girls should do and shove it down thier windpipes cause I'm a gamer full time!


Well, at least you didn't answer like a girl I know when we were greeting to her after she defeated us in Europa Universalis, she was in a ciber with us and she didn't like when we said her, by post in the monitor, "Tu ganas, tio" (You win mate (male)) <_<


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My impression of Bao-Dur, if he's the Zabrak, is that he's the silent warrior type. Doesn't say much, but when he's actually saying something, it's definately not some chit-chat.

much like his decendent maul :blink:

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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I wonder whether the names can tell us something about the characters...


"Mira" could be derived from "mirable" (wonderful; admirable). That would go with her, doesn't it? She might be a romance option.


"Darth Sion" = Utopia; an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal.

That's a very strange name for a notorious Sith Lord.


"Dath Nihilis" = seems to be like an opposite to Sion. Maybe they are rivals.


"Kreia", perhaps it descended from "Chreia" (from Greek: "chreiodes"="useful") =anecdote

I think that she will be a very useful character and teaches you a lot of anecdotes.


"Bao-Dur" sounds Asiatic. "Bao" = (form Chinese: "person" or "precious" or "respectable"), "Dur" = (French: "tough", "two fisted"(fig.))

Could make sense in conjunction. Bao-Dur seems to be a tough and respectable character.


"Atton Rand" ~ "Attone Rand" ~ "At one with Rand" (very far-fetched)

Ayn Rand was an American novelist. It is told that Atton always is wrong whatever he says (from an interview). Maybe there is a connection with Ayn Rand's philosophical thrillers or theories? Or he has to at(t)one for something.


"Shadow-Fax" - no idea. Perhaps an eletronic device? A band?


"Atris" ~ "Atri". In Hinduism Atri is a legendary bard and scholar. Sounds much like a Jedi Master or something like that.


Any other conclusions out there?

"Jedi poodoo!" - some displeased Dug


S.L.J. said he has already filmed his death scene and was visibly happy that he

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I wonder whether the names can tell us something about the characters...


"Mira" could be derived from "mirable" (wonderful; admirable). That would go with her, doesn't it?


"Darth Sion" = Utopia; an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal.

That's a very strange name for a notorious Sith Lord.


"Kreia", perhaps it descended from "Chreia" (from Greek: "chreiodes"="useful") =anecdote


"Bao-Dur" sounds Asiatic. "Bao" = (form Chinese: "person" or "precious" or "respectable"), "Dur" = (French: "tough", "two fisted"(fig.))

Could make sense in conjunction.


"Atton Rand" ~ "Attone Rand" ~ "At one with Rand" (very far-fetched)

Ayn Rand was an American novelist. It is told that Atton always is wrong whatever he says (from an interview). Maybe there is a connection with Ayn Rand's philosophical thrillers or theorie?


"Shadow-Fax" - no idea. Perhaps an eletronic device? A band?


"Atris" ~ "Atri". In Hinduism Atri is a legendary bard and scholar.


Had some of the same ideas .. :) but Atri (from hinduism) is a guy!


Zion originally was the specific name given to a Jebusite fortress near modern-day Jerusalem, the only thing standing today are decaying ruines .. maybe that has something to do with it? or the Storywriters don't like jews? :):p:(:p


But in regards to Kriea I thought it could also derive from the Irish Keria which is related to Ciara and Ciaran which means "Black" or "Dark" ..

She seems like a mysterious character, maybe with a dark background? btw I have never seen her with a Lightsaber in any pics! Is there an explenation for that??


And to the topic starter .. good ideas! But I hope HK-50 has a deeper background, and not just an assassin sent after you!

Kreia both looks and seems as a tutor, and will probably fill the morally-heavy-role of the game .. I personally think/hopes she carries a dark secret that will be revealed late in the game to everyones suprise!

I agree with your layout of Atton and Atris


- Rosbjerg

Fortune favors the bald.

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Atton Rand - Han Solo Clone


Atris - proper, but not Bastilarrogant (new name for Bastila's personality). suspicious of you because of your dubious past, but warms up to you, eventually falling for you and choosing whichever path you take.


Mira - saucy bad-girl with a good-girl heart


Kreia - probably annoying mentor-style banter for the whole game


Silver Armor Guy - Canderous?


T3-M4 - anything at all?



I still think it would be a good idea for a Baldur's Gate 2 romance style, with three options, good, bad and neutral (ie. Aerie, Viconia, Jaheira). That would be Atris, Mira, and Sith Chick.

"You shall not pass!"
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Zion originally was the specific me given to a Jebusite fortress near modern-day Jerusalem, the only thing standing today are decaying ruines .. maybe that has something to do with it? or the Storywriters don't like jews?  :)  :lol:  :blink:  :o

- Rosbjerg




I doubt it since George Lucas is a jew and so is most everyone in Hollywood

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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