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So now Bryan Singer, the fellow behind the X-Men movies, has been attached to the much-beleagured new Superman movie.

Taken from Yahoo News.


'X-Men' Director to Take on Superman Franchise


Mon Jul 19, 2:49 AM ET Add Entertainment - Reuters to My Yahoo!



By Borys Kit


LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "X-Men" director Bryan Singer has signed on to shoot the next Superman movie, replacing "Charlie's Angels" veteran McG, who dropped out a week ago over such issues as budget and location.




By signing on, Singer puts his next two high-profile projects in a gray zone. He was scheduled to direct "Logan's Run," and then return for a third shot at the comic-book franchise that propelled his career into the realm of big-budget tentpoles: Fox has already scheduled "X-Men 3" for a May 5, 2006 release.



There is no scheduled start date for Superman which, like "Logan's Run," is in development at Warner Bros. Superman's script is probably the most time-consuming element that will determine any production start. The previous script was written by "Alias" creator J.J. Abrams. Singer has a reputation for being very involved in the writing of his movies, as well as working with his own stable of writers.



Singer has long nursed a dream to direct a Superman movie.



"My interest in Superman dates back many, many years," he said. "In fact, it was the Richard Donner classic film that was my day-to-day inspiration in shaping the 'X-Men' universe for the screen. I feel that Superman has been late in his return and it is time for him to fly again."



Singer's other credits include "Apt Pupil" and "The Usual Suspects."



Besides McG, directors Tim Burton and Brett Ratner have also been involved with the resurrection of Warners' once-profitable franchise. The primary reason given for the exit of McG, ne Joseph McGinty Nichol, was the inability to agree on a budget, which reportedly hovers around $200 million, similar to what "Spider-Man 2" cost. Casting also was an issue, as was the shooting location. McG favored a New York shoot, while the studio favored Australia.


I liked the Superman character when I was little, but it's not a character that really evolves with time - he doesn't really grow and mature. So I've not been terribly interested in a new Superman film. However, if anyone can make Superman interesting and relevant, it's Singer.

To tie this in with the Batman thread, it'd be neat to see this Superman be influenced by Miller's interpretation in the Dark Knight Returns.


The latter moreso than the former. The government agent bit makes a nice background but his reverence for the Earth provides for a far deeper character and potential development blueprint.


I loved how he called the Earth "mother", and how he asked it for a second chance after the coldbringer exploded. Really fit his personality and made him more interesting for me.


I'm really disappointed. While I'm sure he'll do a good job I think Michael Bay would have been a better choice(He tends to specialize in brightly shot, lighthearted action with rah rah go america overtones, which is perfect for Superman), and I doubt Fox will want to wait until Bryan is done with Superman before starting on X-Men 3.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.



X-Men without Singer would not be a good idea... I was also looking forward to his Logan's Run. Both X-Men 3 and Logan's Run I want more than a Superman film.


I'd rather see X-Men 3 than Superman return, at least in regards to Singer.


The good news is that they god rid of what they were going to do with Superman. That take didn't sound good at all.

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