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A Sion idea

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Aww, that's a pity :/.


I tend to miss out on some PC games but I never used the PC for gaming really. Was always used to get online into places like this and chatrooms.


I see . Still, the first and second games will probably be very hard to find or even play. The third (the Curse of monkey Island) and fourth one is another matter, through, and I can recommend the third one with all my heart .


Did any of the come out for Ps2? Or am I wrong? Could have sworn I've seen them out for one of the systems.


Ahh, talk about being very active when you're dead! XD. Hmm, I may have seen a glipse of a movie like this at some point, through I don't remember when or what the name of the movie was..


Early to mid 90's was when it came out I believe. Never got a lot of air time because it's rather stupid. But as I said I've got a sick sense of humor. I found the Exorcist to be a very funny movie.

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I tend to miss out on some PC games but I never used the PC for gaming really. Was always used to get online into places like this and chatrooms.


I see. well, not a bad reason for using a computer :). And there's other ways to get to know about games ^_^.


Did any of the come out for Ps2? Or am I wrong? Could have sworn I've seen them out for one of the systems.


Hmm, you have me there. I'm honestly not sure if any of them ever made it futher than to the PC...


Early to mid 90's was when it came out I believe. Never got a lot of air time because it's rather stupid. But as I said I've got a sick sense of humor. I found the Exorcist to be a very funny movie.


:lol: Who doesn't have a twisted sense of humour nowadays? Or at least I always get strange or sarcastic comments about my gallows humour :lol::unsure:

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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I think it was root beer :lol:

At the very end I think, yeah. But didn't those cannibals or whatever make a portion for you? One that some of LeChucks minions stole? :unsure:

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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Hmm, you have me there. I'm honestly not sure if any of them ever made it futher than to the PC...


Good ol' gamespot. Escape from Monkey Island came out on 6/18/2001 for the PS2.


Who doesn't have a twisted sense of humour nowadays? Or at least I always get strange or sarcastic comments about my gallows humour


True,yet I tend to scare people irl.


*LOL*Ya know,I think we've doomed this to stay OT.

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Good ol' gamespot. Escape from Monkey Island came out on 6/18/2001 for the PS2.


Ah, I see. didn't know that, but as Escape from Monkey Island is the fourth and therefore to me the msot uninteresting games of the four games, it's no big thing.


True,yet I tend to scare people irl.


*LOL*Ya know,I think we've doomed this to stay OT.


:lol:. Whoops. Indeed we have. Well, let's hope that the devs or moderators won't mind too much... :unsure:

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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It's umm.....sort of on topic....



B) "From a certain point of view..."

XD. Good old Ben... B) .


Well, at least the talk has been related to Lucasart in a way :unsure:.

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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Any I miss?

Hmm, nott he obivious ones, no, but what if he has stayed as he is now because that he has to (or feels that he has to)) find something or someone (not to take revenge or anything)?

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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Hmm,to take away his pain? Find a cure? A "Vader" like case where his heart is in the right place but he's too far gone to do anything about it himself?


Something like that, yes. A cure, perhaps, or maybe a loved one that has disappeared and that he's trying to find... The later one seems unlikely through.


Or mayby he

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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You would know ! :D JK

Tsss, beauty is not important to evil guys, you know ;p. Well, expect for bad guys like Griffith X3.

Despite the fact that many people who've played KOTOR has a negative view on it, I'm still very optimistic about the Februari release and can't wait to get my paws on the game :D

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Self-image is important to almost everyone. Its called self-respect.




Self respect =/= one's self image.


Something like that, yes. A cure, perhaps, or maybe a loved one that has disappeared and that he's trying to find... The later one seems unlikely through.


Interesting thought. Perhaps it's the MC,someone else you gain as a party member,or as some kind of side/optional quest you can find this person and it can use it to help/take advantage of Sion.

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