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I'm wondering about that myself. Perhaps Atari has contracted them to develop Baldur's Gate 3.


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"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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If Obsidian does not develop KOTOR3 (assuming there is one), has that ever happened before where 3 different developers have worked on a series?

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Hopefully. I'd definitely like to see another original title (Llike PS:T) from MCA.


RPG Codex - the premier avant garde gaming news site.


"It is more convenient to follow one's conscience than one's intelligence, for at every failure, conscience finds an excuse and an encouragement in itself. That is why there are so many conscientious and so few intelligent people." - Nietzsche

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If Obsidian does not develop KOTOR3 (assuming there is one), has that ever happened before where 3 different developers have worked on a series?

Now that they're done with Jade, Bioware might put some people on the next KotOR. I don't know how much they're going to invest in their upcoming (not very soon, though - think 2-3 years) IP, but it doesn't have a publisher yet. seeing that, I don't think they'll simply going without any sponsored products in all that time. Although, Valve essentially did that very thing, and Bioware seems to have a much better money-maker in NWN.


It'll be pretty absurd if KotOR III got handed over to a third developer.


Just, please... don't make the droids, the wookie, the old mentor, the rogue, the princess into cliche's. It's fun, to recreate the magic, but after these TWO games... it'll be quite enough.


Personally, I'm tired of the Revan storyline, and it'll get pretty friggin hard to make any sensible continuation after this. Now they have to keep in account the endings of BOTH games that came before in the series. I hope they DON'T make another KotOR, but I wouldn't mind another Star Wars game in the same vain.


I think I can manage for one more game, but after that the story has really lost it's momentum. I don't see a third Star Wars RPG in this tradition truly following in the footstep's of the other's, except to maybe make a couple references. I know I won't be likely to buy a third.


And wouldn't it be neat to have another SW RPG happen during a Republic time period that hasn't been explored? Maybe a game covering only one or two planets, or one that has multi somewhat like NWN (which everyone whines for).

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Would be interesting to see a SW RPG done in the other direction. Instead of some thousand odd years in the past do it some thousand odd years ahead of anything that has been put out there. Would open up a lot of different ways to take things without having to worry so much about stepping on any of the time lines or other such problems that some people had with Knights/Sith Lords.

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Be interesting as a quest to find out what the time is only to learn you were born 1000 years ago, as you should have died at least 900 years ago. Interesting...


Heh,that's a hell of jump in time. Character couldn't be human I wouldn't think. Less they had on hell of a Force Nap.


Or maybe they slept in a giant glad container.[Erie Indiana reference.]

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