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Okay, I recently found out about Starfinder Roleplaying Game, the sci-fi version of the Pathfinder RPG, and it has me interested. It reminds me of the old Star Frontiers game, which I had an opportunity to try back in the day. Apparently now Pazo is converting it to compatibility with 2nd edition Pathfinder rules so you can swap between the two. Currently they have published playtest versions of the rules, which sounds like a novel approach. They are planning to release the 2nd edition version of Starfinder early this year (2025), so I'm planning to pick up a copy for evaluation.

Has anybody played Starfinder PnP? I'm curious to know your experiences. My sci-fi RPG PnP experiences are with Star Frontiers, GURPS, and HERO. For sci-fi, I've enjoyed the Fallout/Wasteland/SW:TOR/Rogue Trader video games. Some day I'd like to enjoy a sci-fiĀ  tactical RPG video game akin to Star Frontiers, and Starfinder sounds promising for that purpose.

"It has just been discovered that research causes cancer in rats."

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