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[Bug] Drinking healing potions isn't working at a boss fight!

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I'm currently at the final fight of the Forgotten Sanctum. I commanded Eder and Aloth to drink healing potions during the fight, but that wasn't working at all. Although they made the visual animation of drinking potions, their healing potions weren't consumed and they weren't getting healed. I had them tried it multiple times, and the results were the same. What kind of preposterous bug is that?

Edited by IanTheWizard
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  • IanTheWizard changed the title to [Bug] Drinking healing potions isn't working at a boss fight!

this is unfortunately one of the major bugs that got introduced and left behind with the final update of deadfire.




basically if you have AI behavior enabled for a character other than "passive", if their AI script would want to make them do something, even if it's just to auto-attack, they will actually cancel potion consumption right at the moment they drink their potion and perform that action. possible workarounds:

  1. temporarily but completely disable AI for that party member while telling them to drink; wait to hear the tell-tale sound of the potion/drug being used before turning AI back on.
  2. alternatively, set the party member to "Passive" in their AI settings. This might be a more general solution since they won't interrupt their potion drinking at all, and will continue to use AI scripts and auto-attack, the only difference being that you have to actively tell them to initiate combat at start or resume combat after telling them to stop an action.
  3. "Defend Self" also works to a degree for a party member. They will still abandon their consumable usage if an enemy attacks them, but it is much less likely than Defensive or Aggressive where the AI will continuously abandon potion usage in favor of auto attack or scripts.


if you're on turn-based mode it won't be a problem.

edit: if obsidian ever comes around and does a surprise patch for Deadfire (like they did with PoE1) i hope we as the community can come together to demand that they fix this particular bug. IMO it's the biggest gameplay bug still in the game.

edit 2: poisons, grenades, scrolls, summoning items, etc all work just fine. it's just potions and drugs that are bugged with this.

Edited by thelee
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just to add, bc of this issue alone i have a special convenient keybind to disable AI. that way i can quickly disable AI, drink potion, and then as soon as i hear the potion consume noise, re-enable AI

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One of these days I'm going to have to try to reverting my game back to an earlier version and look into this. Cause I keep forgetting about this bug, and it annoys the hell out of me that it always strikes at the very worst times!

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