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Hired Sailors disappearing into thin air



All at 100 morale, well fed, not injured.

Well, they randomly disappear. I already lost a cook and a surgeon. They just vanish.

I am doing some melee ship combat, but I got no injured crew either. What is this? O.o

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9 answers to this question

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Are you sure they did not die during a storm ?

That can happen, but I'm sure you would have noticed...


They are not resting at the capital ?


I'm also sure you can bring them back with console command anyway, but make sure they are really gone before doing so to avoid having doubles.

AddCrewToRoster (crew member's name)


They will need to be level up again though, maybe there are console commands for that as well.

Edited by SenSx
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One explanation is that Crew can die from sustaining too many injuries during boarding action combat.

Saving and Loading seems to clear the injuries. Though I think there is supposed to be something that automatically swaps those injuries to the crew specific variants that doesn't seem to be working.

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No storms, no injuries (I check after every battle), all optimally healthy and happy in fact.

My only logical explanation would be "they got gibbed", as that mechanic may act in weird ways...I think. But I do not recall seeing these member of my crew fighting at all. Again, we are talking of my cook and surgeon, both assigned in their respective slots.

Edited by Hariwulf
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Effects that destroy the target's body, like Death Ring and Disintegration, could be the cause. In my case, I had a crew member who got charmed and was near death; being curious, I used Death Ring to see what would happen - he died, and went missing from my ship after the on-board battle.

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I found out.
Crew (sailors) injuries obtained during boarding melee combat are not displayed at all in the map menus. Basically they are only noticeable while in boarding combat. 

This got to be the dumbest thing in the game. If my sailors are injured, I should see it! Why even bother displaying injuries in 3 locations (on top right, bottom right, and in Ship H menu) if the injuries obtained in melee combat are basically invisible while still counting for NPC death? C'mon...

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That is what I meant in my earlier comment. I definitely could have been clearer in my wording though.

There is a difference between the Injuries that are added to crew during ship events and those incurred in normal combat. From what I can tell crew weren't meant to be able to sustain combat injuries. Pretty much the problem stems from direct boarding action coming as a late addition to the game. Why crew members can sustain injuries through that is anyone's guess.

I've been trying make a mod that'll fix this issue. But I've not made any headway thus far.

There is a work around I found though that should hopefully prevent it.

After a successful boarding action:

  1. Make a save.
  2. Load the save.

This seems to clear any combat Injuries the crew sustain during boarding.
Unfortunately this can't bring back crew that were outright killed during the boarding actions.

On 9/2/2024 at 3:15 PM, Hariwulf said:

Can we restock the crew available at inns? I need hands.

Not that I know of, your best bet is to try to find replacements at other ports. 😬

Edited by Kvellen
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