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I'm importing an old poe1 priest of Wael to deadfire and wondering what multiclasses might be good?

My own best plan so far is fighter with the whispers of the endless paths for counter attacks with arcane veil, I could go Tactical Barrage into arcane veil + champions boon to enable mob stance (I assume it triggers of counter-attacks?) to minimize recovery.

I've seen the Umezawa build (and I don't doubt its powerfull) but micro-intense glass cannons are not really my forte.

Are there other classes that make for a good multi (PotD, not solo)?

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I ran a wael+devoted+monastic unarmed training build and it was fun and pretty simple. It's kind of like a glass cannon build, but you trade off some of the high-end damage for easier survivability. Arcane Veil+cloth/leather+fighter regen is pretty good even on potd. Tactical barrage works great to boost arcane veil. Yes, champion's boon and mob stance work great in general and for this specific setup as well. Also you get +2 PEN which is nice as well.


I think most martial classes will combine pretty well with wael. Only ones I'd shrug at are mage Slayer and Shifter.


If you're doing a whispers setup, you could also do non-streetfighter-rogue with wael for extra riposte; the riposte chances stack multiplicatively.

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6 minutes ago, limaxophobiacq said:

Do you at least get the bonus from both? 100 health and + defenses from Unbreakable plus Religion*10 health heal from Reneval?

that's a very good question and unfortunately i think needs to be tested (am unable to do so atm)

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