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On 1/15/2022 at 1:02 AM, Elric Galad said:

Coming back to druid : the Spiritshift Cooldown approach has my favor because it doesn't rely on Brilliant to be repeatable. Also it doesn't ruin the whole druid Tier 1 spell list by making these slots too precious to be spent for something else than Spiritshift.

So currently, my plans :


General principle : Spiritshift would have a fixed 90s Cooldown after casting (not after it ends). With a base duration of 15s (with BPM, it is affected by both PL and INT), a druid can hope to stay about 1/6 to 1/3 total time shifted. Support spells (such as SoT), Fury bonus on Kills and Wildtsrike Frenzy would provide a better ratio. 

Note : New casts of Spiritshift provide new use of Per Encounter abilties. This is quite cool.

Shifter : Shifter does have longer Spiritshift (base 22s), heal on end and access to a variety of forms that other druids don't have. But they can't cast spell while shifted.
Shifters won't have anymore the unique advantage of 5 Spiritshift per encounter without delay. I thought the class had too much of an advantage without real drawback. Nevertheless, their Cooldown will be only fixed 60s.
With enough INT and PL, they will be able to stay shifted most of the time... (3/8 to 3/4)... provided they don't cancel their shift to cast spell ! So shifting to Cat, casting Cat Flurry and cancelling just to heal and get the speed bonus will be limited.

Lifegiver : I do believe that the +2 Rejuvination PL and impossibility to use Summons compensate each other. But I still want to keep the interaction between Rejuvination PL and Shifting. So :
+ 2 PL before shifting
+ 2+5 PL while shifting
+ 2-5 PL after a shift. The malus is removed by a new shift, basically the same as a drug crash.
So you can either never shift or you'll have to cycle Shifting to get Rejuvination bonus. You won't be likely to be shifted most of the time BUT you can wait for a new shift to cast your next big healing spell, so I believe this is balanced.

I'm happy to annouce this design is mostly working bar a couple of parameters to adjust.

But I'm going to take a little break for about 1 week cause I'm becoming tired fighting with my agenda to find time for developping and testing. I hope I won't fail my Resolve check ! See you soon !

Edited by Elric Galad
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, thank you for the constant updates to this mod! I have been planning to do another playthrough and it seems like an update is in the works.. is it possible to update mid-playthrough or if I should just wait for the new update? 

If I should wait, is there a rough ETA for the update? I have been brainstorming some builds to try.. thank you in advance!

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2 hours ago, wijahi2004 said:

Hello, thank you for the constant updates to this mod! I have been planning to do another playthrough and it seems like an update is in the works.. is it possible to update mid-playthrough or if I should just wait for the new update? 

If I should wait, is there a rough ETA for the update? I have been brainstorming some builds to try.. thank you in advance!

Seconding this question!  I just started another playthrough but would start over if necessary or just update on the fly if allowed.

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On 1/24/2022 at 8:24 PM, wijahi2004 said:

Hello, thank you for the constant updates to this mod! I have been planning to do another playthrough and it seems like an update is in the works.. is it possible to update mid-playthrough or if I should just wait for the new update? 

If I should wait, is there a rough ETA for the update? I have been brainstorming some builds to try.. thank you in advance!

Well well, I'm a father of two young children, so I don't give public estimation of my version delivery 🙂. Time is scarce and I can't give anything close to a guarantee. I have started working various topics for this version, that's why it takes longer than usual.


Currently, I'm working on adding some scaling to passive non-weapon item abilities (since weapon ones scale with quality).

PL scaling does not work, so I went with level scaling : +1 Acc, +0.25 PEN and +5% additive damages, which emulates the scaling of a Tier 1 ability.

The package is ready, but not tested. It's honestly tedious to test, and I would like to save time for other topic.
Here is a list of the item and properties concerned by this change.

Want to help the version being release sooner ?
1) Install package below in the mod Gamedata directory
2) Choose a couple of untested properties in the list below
3) Check if you have any of the item from the list below equipped. Unequip them if you have BEFORE equipping the item under test.
4) Equip a single one of these items in game (if you pick several, you'll see wrong tags in the logs. It works fine, but doesn't confirm the item is self-sufficient)
5) Test it in game. For example, with a lvl 20 character, you'll see +10 Acc, +2.5 PEN and +50% damages (if applicable) in the combat log.
6) Report me. Don't just try a few items and say "it works", it won't help, I always test everything. So I need the precise abilities (a few items have several ones) In case of doubt, please ask.



  Ngati's Girdle    
    Fathom's Redress (Tested)
  Unstable Coil & upgrades    
    Storm Blows (Tested, added electricity KW)
  Cape of failing star    
    Fiery Descent
  Mantle of the Seven Bolts    
    Final Storm
  Ragged Cloak    
    Vestment of Skaen (Tested)
  Mask of the grotto deep    
    Shadow Fang (Tested)
  Whitewitch Mask    
    Gaze and Despair (Tested, scales as normal Tier 3 active ability)
  Okura's Kettle    
    Boil Over (Tested)
  Survivor's Tusk    
    Boar's squeal (Tested)
  Leathandria's Devotion    
  Akola's Apex Ward    
    Hard Counter
    Shark Teeth Counter
  Wintertide Bulwark    
    Frostbitten Palisade (Tested, this one already scaled normally because it is not a passive but an upgrade of Shield Wall modal. I simply added Frost KW to the freeze aattack)
  Effigy's Husk    
    Skaen's Hatred
  Casita Samelia's Legacy    
    Scars and Memory
  One Dozen Stood    

Stall for time


Protection of the Godhammer


Echo of the Godhammer








  Kahako Nihi    
    Thorny Plates


gamedata bonus to non scaling items.zip


And about your other question :

- This mod will apply to any newly created character. For existing ones :

  • Active abilities will work
  • Passive abilities may or may not work, but arespec will allow them to work
  • Passive class and Racial abilities cannot be re-acquired via respeccing, so they might not be available to existing characters at all. This is only a problem for Sharpshooter, Mageslayer, Trickster nerf and some of the Racial traits, I think. Re-adding the ability throuh console command might work, but I advise saving before and checking character sheet after to avoid issue.

So mostly, it will work.

Edited by Elric Galad
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I'll try to test the on-death effects from Effigy's Husk, Least Unstable Coil, Cape of the Fallen Star, and Mantle of Seven Bolts right now.  I've been testing those on my silly on-death Barbarian so I'll know what to look for I think and I have those items handy.

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Ok- looks like Coil's Volatile, Cape of the Fallen Star's Fiery Descent, and Effigy's Husk's Skaen's Hatred are all getting the +10 accuracy, 2.5 pen (not Skaen's Hatred of course because it's raw damage), and the +50% damage on my lv20 character.  However, Final Storm on Mantle of the Seven Bolts is not getting its bonuses.  Not sure why that one is different from the rest.  I did test them each individually. 

Hope that helps some!  I would help even more but like you time is limited due to kiddos : /

edit: and the net effect with these updates is nice.  I just suicided my Vengeful Defeat Barbarian into the crucible with Twin Eels -> Effort for 2 deaths with Cape of the Fallen Star, Least Unstable Coil, and Effigy's Husk and did very respectable damage.  Still probably not a great build for boss fights but very fun and effective against tough fights with many enemies to hit with all the AoE.

Edited by crdvis16
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7 hours ago, crdvis16 said:

Ok- looks like Coil's Volatile, Cape of the Fallen Star's Fiery Descent, and Effigy's Husk's Skaen's Hatred are all getting the +10 accuracy, 2.5 pen (not Skaen's Hatred of course because it's raw damage), and the +50% damage on my lv20 character.  However, Final Storm on Mantle of the Seven Bolts is not getting its bonuses.  Not sure why that one is different from the rest.  I did test them each individually. 

Hope that helps some!  I would help even more but like you time is limited due to kiddos : /

edit: and the net effect with these updates is nice.  I just suicided my Vengeful Defeat Barbarian into the crucible with Twin Eels -> Effort for 2 deaths with Cape of the Fallen Star, Least Unstable Coil, and Effigy's Husk and did very respectable damage.  Still probably not a great build for boss fights but very fun and effective against tough fights with many enemies to hit with all the AoE.

Thanks, that's exactly what I need.

Don't worry for the one not working, might be a small mistake in the file. I'll do the re-test myself anyway.

EDIT : I haven't seen something suspicious in the file. Now that I'm thinking about it, I suspect something weird in the following case :
1) Equip item 1 : the scaling property get applied by item 1
2) Equip item 2 : the scaling property of item 2 do not get applied since it is already active (and it is the same property).
3) Remove Item 1 : the scaling property of item 1 get removed. The scaling property of item 2 only applies "On equip", so don't get applied => Bug
4) Re-equipping Item 2 should correct the bug.
Note : 2) and 3) may also apply when subsituting 2 scaling items sharing the same slot.


I'm updating the table so someone else might pick some of the remaining items.

Edited by Elric Galad
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4 hours ago, Elric Galad said:

EDIT : I haven't seen something suspicious in the file. Now that I'm thinking about it, I suspect something weird in the following case :
1) Equip item 1 : the scaling property get applied by item 1
2) Equip item 2 : the scaling property of item 2 do not get applied since it is already active (and it is the same property).
3) Remove Item 1 : the scaling property of item 1 get removed. The scaling property of item 2 only applies "On equip", so don't get applied => Bug
4) Re-equipping Item 2 should correct the bug.

Gotcha @crdvis16, it was that. I'm updating the test instructions in consequence. Mantle is confirmed to be working properly.

4 hours ago, Elric Galad said:

Note : 2) and 3) may also apply when subsituting 2 scaling items sharing the same slot.

This part isn't true though.


The bug is nasty, but the perfect correction would be horribly tedious. Granted that what you have to do is only re-equipping the item once, it isn't so annoying. I'm just changing the scaling effect to be displayed in character sheet so you can confirm that the scaling property is applied (a bit ugly but better that no confirmation). You'll only get one display for all items with scaling passive.

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Thank you for the  response. I will try my best to assist with testing; however, I am still quite new to Pillars of Eternity so I have to research where to obtain the items / activate them. I will provide an update if I am able to get a hang of it!

Also, just to report a bug - while I was on the wiki, I noticed that Soul Whip (and upgrades) for the Cipher's Beguiler is supposed to apply to Mind Afflicted targets but it's currently only applying to Mind Inspired targets. This was confirmed by testlum on Community Patch's posts as well. Hope this helps! 

Edited by wijahi2004
text addition
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3 hours ago, wijahi2004 said:

Thank you for the  response. I will try my best to assist with testing; however, I am still quite new to Pillars of Eternity so I have to research where to obtain the items / activate them. I will provide an update if I am able to get a hang of it!

Also, just to report a bug - while I was on the wiki, I noticed that Soul Whip (and upgrades) for the Cipher's Beguiler is supposed to apply to Mind Afflicted targets but it's currently only applying to Mind Inspired targets. This was confirmed by testlum on Community Patch's posts as well. Hope this helps! 

Just checked gamedata files, it seems to be true. Bonus applied to flanked, body afflicted and mind inspired targets unless I'm mistaken.

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So, here are a few other changes I'm working on currently :



Shifter Healing Adjustment :


Due to 60s Shifting Cooldown Shifter just received, I though the amount of health they get after a shift was a tad to high.

So I nerfed it from 15 + 5/PL -> 15 + 3/PL.



Fighter Recovery :


In a previous version, I tweaked it to Infinite duration, but halved regen to compensate.

Now I'm realizing that it makes Fighters about on par with what a Pal or Chanter (not to mention Herald) do to a whole party.


Early on, it's fine, but I decide to add a bit of scaling, in a similar fashion as Bloodmage (who starts below) :

Constant Recovery : 5 health per 6s, +1 per 5 char level

Rapid Recovery : 7 health per 6s, +1.5 per 5 char level

Constant Recovery (Black Jacket) : 2 health per 6s, +0.5 per 5 char level

Rapid Recovery  (Black Jacket) : 3 health per 6s, +0.75 per 5 char level




Monk Wound Cost nerf :


I've come to the conclusion that 3 Wounds ~ 1 Martial ressource and decided to rebalance a couple of monk abilities that were really too cheap.


Dichotomous Sould : 4 Wounds -> 6 Wounds

Resonant Touch : 3 Wounds -> 6 Wounds

Whispers of the Wind : 5 Wounds -> 9 Wounds

(Note that Shattered Pillars max wound is set to 10 by both CP and BPM)


This ends up making a lot of sense as all other Monk abilities seems to have reasonable cost. Why would you even use a Skyward Kick for 3 Wounds when WotW costs only 5 ?? This is not only a monk nerf, it also a way to encourage the use of more diverse abilities.


This is the only WotW nerf I plan. The ability should remain porwerful, fun to use and a selling point of SC monk, but making it much less spammable is a way to tune down its brokenness. The other 2 nerfed abilities are meant to be used only periodically anyway.



Shattered Pillar buff :


My analysis is that 3 Wounds ~ 1 Martial ressource ~ 30 focus.

So it makes sense that Shattered Pillar get the same base damages to ressource conversion as Cipher (Cipher gets Draining Whip, but SP get Lesser Wound and Mortifications) :


Shattered Pillar : 1 Wound every 20 damages

Shattered Pillar with Lesser Wound : 1 Wound every 16 damages


This is more than enough to Skyward Kick/Torment Reach every couple of attacks, which is the way Shattered Pillar shall be Played.



Those abilities that take foe level into account :


Threatening Presence, Abjuration and Dismissal compare your level with foe's.

Which isn't something I like to much, but is especially absurd with upscaling.


That's why I plan to Adjust these abilities so they keep an effect vs foes of greater or equal level.


Dismissal : Add an effect that Destroy Summon without checking level. Basically a dismissal.


Abjuration : Also remove the level checking vs Summons. Rise damages (to 65-90, same as Killing bolt) vs higher level spirits so it works reasonably well vs them anyway. Add "Veil-Piercing" KW.(BPM previously set Abjuration to 3 Zeals).


Threatening Presence : Change design completely.

The idea is to make Barbarian Immune to Engagement when above 75% health.

This is strong but it's not like Barbarian had tons of tools to avoid engagement anyway (Staggering, Dazing, Wild Sprint, Leap, etc...)

I think this is fitting and is also intended as an indirect buff to Corpse Eater since it reduces reliance on rage.



A bit more Barbarian Buff :


Barbarian might be the only class that was better designed in PoE1 than in PoE2.

Carnage used to be so great !

I totally get why they needed to tweak it, but now Carnage feels much less class defining, and Barbarian basically losts his original soul and often struggle to be defined otherwise than "just another martial class".


Adding Crit to Carnage so it can benefit from Blood Frenzy was a first step to make Carnage matters more.


Blood Storm is a meh upgrade though. Spending a Tier 7 ability point just to get situationaly more duration on 1 Rage self buff is bad.

So I will change it to On Crit instead of On Kills. Carnage Crits matter too.

This is also a Buff to Corpse Eater who will have a way to maintain Frenzy without having to use too much Rage.


But my key idea was to Buff Interrupting Blows.

The idea is to have Interrupting Blows also causes 50% chance of Interrupt on Carnage Crits.

This is quite strong because with the right positionning, Barb will very often interrupt some target, performing the Crowd Control role it is supposed to have. 

Not that Interrupting BLows really need a buff on its own, but I see this as an opportunity to make Carnage and positioning with your Barbarian about as relevant as in PoE1 (esp. with builds such as Tall Grass ones).


With this version of Interrupting Blows plus either Spirit or Blood Frenzy lines, Carnage will be relevant enough, while still "capping" the effect that it can have in best conditions (PoE1 Carnage + PoE2 equipment or Multiclasses would have been arguably broken...)

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Update :


The Pain Persists :

The increased duration from critical hits is +1s. Yeah 1s. Great for a Tier 7 upgrade, ney ?

I have set it to 3s instead. Oh, a Monk buff, it doesn't happen everyday !



Arcane Archer :

Arcane Archer is a nice subclass, especially after CP PEN fix, but I still find the Imbue abilities to be a bit overcosted. Of course, you can abuse Bounce, etc... but it requires a heavy Arcana skill specialization, special weapon pick etc...

I'll be more satisfied with following costs :

Imbue : Missiles : 1 Bond

Imbue : Web : 1 Bond

Imbue : Fireball : 2 Bonds

Imbue : Pull of Eora : 2 Bonds

Imbue : Death : 3 Bonds (no change for this one, it shall be higher than Imbue Fireball anyway.


Which leads to a "trickster" effect : A subclass with 4-5 free abilities and marginal drawbacks (health penalty is significant, but less impactful than, let's say, increased damages received, penalty to Acc is bypassable with the right weapons).

With more solid free abilities, I fear than the advantages outweights the drawback. But it's also justified that the subclass gets good unique abilities (Imbue : Missile would be a very solid 1 Bond attack for example). So the drawback has to be made a tiny bit more significant.

So I also plan, as part of nerf package to make all non-imbued Weapon attacks to have a -5 Acc. This has 3 effects :

- Non avoidable penalty (main purpose)

- Would fix certain weird effects where some spells (Chanter Invocations, secondary pulse of Imbue Web/Eora) get an accuracy penalty

- Avoid tying Arcane Archers to certain weapon with Elemental property. I think it "opens" the subclass a bit more. 


Corpse Eater :

Previously with BPM :

Corpse Eater :
Greatly buffed special food (and also replaced bonus MIG and malus INT by more varied effects) :
- Kith Meat : -5 Diplomacy, -15% Damages received, +3 Corpse Eater PL
- Corpse Loaf : -3 Diplomacy,+3 Health per 6s, +10 Fortitude, +4 Corpse Eater PL
- Forbidden Pie : -3 Diplomacy, +4 Resolve, Mind Affliction Resistance, +5 Corpse Eater PL

But now, I'm not entirely satisfied by this design. It makes Corpse Eater less about eating corpse than having increased PL at the cost of increased cost. I don't even thing that +  Corpse Eater PL makes most abilities good enough anyway (as it doesn't stack with similar effect, unless abusing Save/load food buff bug.

So I've decided that the subclass should actually emphasized at its main special trait.

In order to make it more viable, I think it should be able to target Primordials and Vessels (well, even constructs...) in addition to Beast, Kiths, and Wilders. Basically only Spirits would be excluded (so the subclass keeps a weak spot, and Fury Shaper keeps their specialty as anti-Spirit Barb 🙂 ) 

Eating corpse is still a bit of a win-more (needs eating about 2 foes to start paying back... but at least you don't have to kill them yourself) and doesn't work for a few fights vs...ahem only spirits or single foe (Dorudugan basically). So the food bonus should be kept. However, I will tune down Forbidden Pie to +4 Corpse Eater PL.

I think this design has the advantage to make Corpse Eater specialized at surviving long drawn out fights (I'm looking at you, "waves of vessels" battles !). The health gain on eating isn't bad either for this purpose, as well as PL bonus for savage defiance.


PS : A bit of help with the Passive Ability from items Scaling would be appreciated. I can do it myself, but this will delay a bit the Mod version release 😉 

Edited by Elric Galad
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I'd argue that a reduced health pool is a much larger penalty than Assassin's +15% damage. The thing is that most incoming damage is from weapons. Early on +15% damage from a sabre is roughly 2.5 extra damage which is big when you only have 50 hp. It's much less significant when you have 250 hp to the point that it's barely noticeable. 

For Flesh Eater one of the problems with the class is that even if you CAN eat the enemy it takes a very long time to do so. You have to break engagement and walk over. Then you have to go through a 3.0s cast time 3.0s recovery time ability. Only then do you actually eat the corpse. I think it would feel much better if it simply took less time to eat. Or maybe make it heal and restore rage over time instead of instantly so that you get more and more out of eating corpses with higher PL and you don't have to eat as many corpses later on.

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3 hours ago, NotDumbEnough said:

I'd argue that a reduced health pool is a much larger penalty than Assassin's +15% damage. The thing is that most incoming damage is from weapons. Early on +15% damage from a sabre is roughly 2.5 extra damage which is big when you only have 50 hp. It's much less significant when you have 250 hp to the point that it's barely noticeable. 

Yup, but there's healing. On long battles, healing is more important than your original HP.

If you take more damages, you'll have to heal more. If you have less HP, you simply have to be more careful about spike damages.

That said 15% less hp is still a penalty that matters, but I'll rather have it than assassin's any day. Well, and Arcane Archer basically ends up having as much HP as Rogues, Priests and Druids, which is perfectly fine for a ranged DPS and support subclass IMHO.

That's why I think it's not 100% sufficient as a penalty.


3 hours ago, NotDumbEnough said:

For Flesh Eater one of the problems with the class is that even if you CAN eat the enemy it takes a very long time to do so. You have to break engagement and walk over. Then you have to go through a 3.0s cast time 3.0s recovery time ability. Only then do you actually eat the corpse. I think it would feel much better if it simply took less time to eat. Or maybe make it heal and restore rage over time instead of instantly so that you get more and more out of eating corpses with higher PL and you don't have to eat as many corpses later on.

Yeah, the consume ability isn't ideal to use either. But I think this new version is really great for a significant number of fights.

Also the Threatening Presence rework in the previous post (Immune to Engagement when above 75% health) should help Corpse Eater a bit in this aspect. If you can maintain high health with savage defiance, eat, and fuel your regen again. I assume Corpse Eater playstyle should be more about tanking and persisting than other subclasses. More Survivor than Slayer.

Eating faster would not make much sense. Eating from afar won't make much sense either BUT I think 0.25m range is to harsh. I'll go with setting the range to 2m so at least you can eat things in melee range.

I think the regen idea worths considering, but it kind of make Corpse Eater even slower, so I'm not sure.

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On 2/6/2022 at 3:49 PM, Elric Galad said:

Yeah, the consume ability isn't ideal to use either. But I think this new version is really great for a significant number of fights.

Also the Threatening Presence rework in the previous post (Immune to Engagement when above 75% health) should help Corpse Eater a bit in this aspect. If you can maintain high health with savage defiance, eat, and fuel your regen again. I assume Corpse Eater playstyle should be more about tanking and persisting than other subclasses. More Survivor than Slayer.

Eating faster would not make much sense. Eating from afar won't make much sense either BUT I think 0.25m range is to harsh. I'll go with setting the range to 2m so at least you can eat things in melee range.

I think the regen idea worths considering, but it kind of make Corpse Eater even slower, so I'm not sure.

How about adding some cumulative buff effect(s) after Flesh Communion, like buffing AR/CON or whatever related to defensive perspective for a while, if you really consider to make Corpse Eater as tanky Barb style? 😅

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1 hour ago, Hoo said:

How about adding some cumulative buff effect(s) after Flesh Communion, like buffing AR/CON or whatever related to defensive perspective for a while, if you really consider to make Corpse Eater as tanky Barb style? 😅

Because I think I already covered this part with some variety by the Kith Food rework. Damage resistance, regen, fortitude, mind affliction resistance (to complete unflitching), Resolve buff... 

BPM Corpse Eater really has two advantages : eating corpse to regen health and rage AND special food (that provides increased PL for additional short term effect and various defensive buffs - although everybody can benefit from them, Corpse Eater will get more benefits from Kith food overall).

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Hi everyone !

BPM Version 2.0 is being uploaded.

Deadfire Balance Polishing Mod at Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)


This new version is actually quite big (as usual, use the <Version 2.0> tag to check everything).

That's why I call it 2.0.


What I can say in a nutshell :

1) I've tried to be as paranoid as I could about scaling, so you guys don't have to worry about it. Trust me, now everything should scale pretty well, and no ability including from items should become obsolete because of poor scaling (but of course, some day some guy will point me exceptions...)

2) I've wondered a lot about the signature abilities of each class. This led to various changes. Spiritshift, Holy Radiance and Constant Recovery have all been made more central to the design of their respective class. I think Carnage has been restored as the backbone of Barbarian class, with a chance to interrupt with Crits that would remind people about good old Tall Grass builds from PoE1 (but still prevent degenerated combos with specific weapons or multiclasses).

3) I've evaluated the theoritical values of Monk wounds compared to other class ressources. This led to high level abilities costing more... and Shattered Pillars getting more.

4) Some subclasses tweak to make subclass more about doing their stuff. Better Imbued attacks vs worse Auto Attacks for Arcan Archer, more Corpse Eating for Corpse Eater.

5) BuGFixEs (including my own bugs)

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2 hours ago, NotDumbEnough said:

Suggestion: if possible, scale Ranger's boar healing like fighter's Constant Recovery.

Boar regen scales as an active HoT : its healing value and duration (Spiritshift duration) both get a multiplicative bonus from PL. It starts above fighter's, even with rapid recovery and ends up around the same level for SC druid with some PL bonuses. So I think it is already good enough. I could tweak again to harmonize with Bloodmage and Fighter regen, but current version is harmonized with standard HoT instead.

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