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Favorite Light side Jedi from KotOR

Whinch one is it?  

101 members have voted

  1. 1. Whinch one is it?

    • Vandar Tokare
    • Dorak
    • Vrook
    • Zhar
    • Bastila
    • Juhani
    • Jolee (although some people considered him neutral)
    • Light side Revan
    • Yuthura (if redeemed)
    • Other (Please post your favorite that didn't apear in this poll)

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Bastila was most interesting but Jolee is number 2.


And Jedi Council...they should be extinguish painfully. Just as former stripper Yuthura.


Nur Ab Sal was one such king. He it was, say the wise men of Egypt, who first put men in the colossus, making many freaks

of nature at times when the celestial spheres were well aligned.



This I doubt. We are hearing a child's tale.

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Yuthur was never redeemed. So, she`s off. Maybe the most interesting character was Jolee.



*uses force persuade* yuthura was redeemed. she then was about to jump on th hawk and go with u but the almighty creators decided that it was not meant to be.

the force is what gives a jedi his power. its an energy field created by all living things. it surrounds us and penetrates us. it binds the galaxy together

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I voted for Bastilla. But I also would like to see Yuthura because she had an interesting back story for a supporting character...maybe one of the planets would be slytheron (or however it was spelt) and you find out that Yuthura came there and freed the slaves a la Revan style....

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Guest ChaosStorm

Bastila for sure. Its nice to see a female NPC with some own strong personallity - although this would also go for Juhani of course. But Bastila is also very easy on the eyes (and ears) :(.


And errr.... Yuthura is that a side quest I might have missed? Doesn't ring a bell.

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If u talk to Yuthura (the purple twilek sith on korriban) enough, she becomes ur friend.

After fighting in the tomb of Naga Sadow and meating up with Yuthura and Uthar (the sith master of the academy), if u betray Uthar, u must kill him, then once he is dead, u must face off against Yuthura, once she is beaten, talk to her, and she can be redeemed if the right dialogue choices are picked

(2 hav a good chance to do this, u must hav a persuade skill of at least 4.


And Bastila will most likely be back (if Revan is in there, it is only logical Bastila will be as well due to the bond that they share)

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always sided with Uthar because Ialways play DS


I guessed that. Anyway, i did that today (redeem Yuthura), wasnt much to it if u hav a high enough persuade skill, and isnt really all that impressive.

The only real difference is that all the sith in the academy will attack u when u get back there, so a little extra exp points there at least.

Edited by KOTORFanactic
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