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Hey guys,


I saw some old post on this forum and on reddit saying that there is an option to convince Iovara to help you vs Thaos. It seems like a best option for her. I do not really like other options in game but I just simply can't get it. There is that option to ask her to repent and help against Thaos but she just says that if she repents then all she'd done would be for nothing.


Are there any conditions for this option to work or is it even possible to get this option? Have developers removed it or blocked it?


I really like Iovara as character so if anyone knows something please share the info and thanks in advance.


Noway man. The best option for iovara is to stay resolute in her spiritual hole in the ground. She stands by the truth to the end of time. The enwithan gods and thaos should apologize.

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