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4.1: several crashes in Forgotten Sabctum



I have played FS the last 2 days. The game crashed at least 3 times, all of them in FS areas.

- I started the game and pressed continue. My last save was in a FS area. I saw the loading screen for some minutes and when I tried to press a button

I had the message: Windows found a problem and stopped the program (or something similar).

- I was in the scriptorium for the first time, coming from the archives. When I walked to the center of the room it crashed.

- The game also chrashed in another FS area when walking around.


All crashes (except the one at the initial loading screen) happened during normal gameplay when walking around (not during area transition, not during combat). I restarted the game and then I could play the same area without problems. There were no crashes outside of FS areas.


I have windows 10 and play the game with gog galaxy.


There were no other serious bugs during the entire playthrough.

3 answers to this question

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Hello Madscientist,


I apologize for the crashes you experienced during your playthrough of the Forgotten Sanctum.  If you have the time, would you be able to send us the crash folders that generate when the game crashes.  if needed, you can find instructions on how to obtain those folders here.  If you could send the folders to me at support@obsidian.net so I can have the Programming team investigate them, i'd be much obliged.


Thank you Madscientist and sorry for the inconvenience these crashes have caused.

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Thanks Mad Scientist!


I'll get these into the report and have the Programming team take a look into them.  If you discover anything else about the crashes in the Forgotten Sanctum, please continue to comment about it here as I linked this thread into the report as a reference for the team during their investigation.


Thanks again!

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