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Obsidian, can you make a normal camera?



As topic says. I don't like you new "smart" camera, becose it don't really smart - camera switches to characters in combat when i don't need it, camera smooth movement makes interactions with objects (loot, ingridients etc.) harder, becose it difficult to hover mouse cursor on small objects during this movement, and so on.


Additionally, it automatically zooms in and out after map transition - who the hell designed this feature? Had this man or moman ever considered that some people might don't like his/her brilliant idea?!


And the icing on the cake - even if i turn off your SMARTEST camera, autozoom still working and "classic" camera don't have "center on doubleclick" function, whis was present in PoE 1 and every classic isometric RPG.





"So, Obsidian... Thing is, the way NORMAL cameras work, right - and I realize this is complicated - is that they jus show some pictures to the player, have centering on doubleclick, and DO. NOT. MOVING or ZOOM, until player ask they to do that."

Edited by Phenomenum
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Hm, when I turn off the smart cam I can center the camera on my chars.


Doubleclick on portrait - yes. Double click somewhere in map area - no. Just start PoE 1 and refresh your memory. ;)


P.S. Or maybe my post was not clear enough due to my bad english. Sorry then.

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