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Should being rich last game determine storyline?

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Well, sometime before going to the Star Forge system, I sold every piece of junk I didn't need and ended up with like 40,000 credits. It would be cool if there was an option in KOTOR 2 that has someone ask you if Revan was a rich guy or a poor guy at the ending, and maybe it could make a difference to the gameplay. Like Revan spent the $$ on upgrading stuff during the 5 years between KOTOR and TSL. IE: The Ebon Hawk gets extremely upgraded, or the Swoop Bike has upgrades already in it, or Revan is better equipped if you see him in the game, or the $$ was donated to charity and the charity helps you out, etc. Thoughts?

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Well, sometime before going to the Star Forge system, I sold every piece of junk I didn't need and ended up with like 40,000 credits. It would be cool if there was an option in KOTOR 2 that has someone ask you if Revan was a rich guy or a poor guy at the ending, and maybe it could make a difference to the gameplay. Like Revan spent the $$ on upgrading stuff during the 5 years between KOTOR and TSL. IE: The Ebon Hawk gets extremely upgraded, or the Swoop Bike has upgrades already in it, or Revan is better equipped if you see him in the game, or the $$ was donated to charity and the charity helps you out, etc. Thoughts?

First of all, if Revan was ls he/she wouldn't be concerned with money. And second of all, ds Revan would be worrying about his/her knowledge of the Force and combat prowess. But I know what your thinking; "Power has plenty to do with money." Well a Sith lord could give a damn about credits, to tell you the truth. Just like people should in modern day society. <_<

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Uh what about neutral? $$ makes the universe goes round.

Money cuases nothing but greed, betrayl and suffering. So in truth, money doesn't make the wolrd go wround, but heeds it's progress horrifically. <_< ;) I mean look at poverty. It's suffering and pain is caused by money's existence. And what do you think an assassin is given in turn for taking a life? Money. Or what about those sleazy salesmen who persaude and betray people out of greed just to gets some insidious money. But I know what your thinking; "What about all those people who work hard at there jobs and are rewarded with money?" But the answer is simple; in olden days before currenceis existed, people used trade as a reward.

For example, say a child mowes an old mans lawn. The old man in todays world would probably give the child money, but if we used trade as a reward system, the senior citizen could easily give the kid say two galons of milk.

So in conclusion, money may bring one power, but in turn, bring others pain.

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That maybe true but with prefection it always seems that the person/civilization is doomed to crumble beneath itself. Or so I feel and seen before in movies and such.

It is not perfection, but nuetrality. To not leen one way or the other. To not have good or bad intentions. To be everything and nothing at the same time. To have a world where there is no right or wrong, no morality. There would be no consequences, no punishment. But a world such as this would destroy itself, unintentionall and intentionally at the same time. :blink:

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Money cuases nothing but greed, betrayl and suffering. So in truth, money doesn't make the wolrd go wround, but heeds it's progress horrifically. <_<  :p I mean look at poverty. It's suffering and pain is caused by money's existence. And what do you think an assassin is given in turn for taking a life? Money. Or what about those sleazy salesmen who persaude and betray people out of greed just to gets some insidious money. But I know what your thinking; "What about all those people who work hard at there jobs and are rewarded with money?" But the answer is simple; in olden days before currenceis existed, people used trade as a reward.

For example, say a child mowes an old mans lawn. The old man in todays world would probably give the child money, but if we used trade as a reward system, the senior citizen could easily give the kid say two galons of milk.

So in conclusion, money may bring one power, but in turn, bring others pain.


You commie. ;)


It is not perfection, but nuetrality. To not leen one way or the other. To not have good or bad intentions. To be everything and nothing at the same time. To have a world where there is no right or wrong, no morality. There would be no consequences, no punishment. But a world such as this would destroy itself, unintentionall and intentionally at the same time. -_-


Not to mention it would suck.






About the original topic, I think it's reather pointless. It's weird enough with Revan being male/female light/dark killed bastila/left her alive. Having money be involved wouldn't make the game more interesting and would be a pain to put in the game. There's just no good reason to do that.

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what the hell??? dont you know that the jedi are sent into the field with an X amount of credits, and what ever they dont use or gain in the ordeal is given back to the the jedi council. that more than liekly means the jedi council or what was left of it , took it to put the remaining jedi in hiding or alowed revan to take it and go into hiding, assuming you were ls.

Strength through Mercy

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Well, sometime before going to the Star Forge system, I sold every piece of junk I didn't need and ended up with like 40,000 credits. It would be cool if there was an option in KOTOR 2 that has someone ask you if Revan was a rich guy or a poor guy at the ending, and maybe it could make a difference to the gameplay. Like Revan spent the $$ on upgrading stuff during the 5 years between KOTOR and TSL. IE: The Ebon Hawk gets extremely upgraded, or the Swoop Bike has upgrades already in it, or Revan is better equipped if you see him in the game, or the $$ was donated to charity and the charity helps you out, etc. Thoughts?


To tell the truth, i wouldn't give a damn :lol: Since you couldn't upgrade the Ebon Hawk or the swoop bike.

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