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[BUG] Character stuck in endless attack attempt loops



Main character and other companions get sometimes (in fact, quite frequently) stuck in endless attack attempt loops. After I issue the attack command, they get close to the enemy and then they just stand there forever, trying to make a weapon attack without finishing the animation. The sound of the attack is heard endlessly. Sometimes (but not always) the combat log says that the character is getting interrupted over and over (like 20 times per second). To stop the loops I have to move manually characters in a different position and retry clicking on the enemy. Sometimes that solves the problem, sometime it doesn't. Same bug happens also with weapon attack abilities (Torment's reach). Note that I am not using any AI script, not even for auto-attacks. Needless to say that the bug is really annoying and almost game-breaking.


After a quick google search, I found that the same bug was experienced by some other user and reported on the Steam forums: https://steamcommunity.com/app/560130/discussions/0/1743346190269238384/?l=english


Let me know if you need the savegame files or something else. Cheers

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Hello Peolone,


Thank you for reporting this!  We have received multiple reports of this issue which seems to have started in the latest patch.  The team is currently investigating and attempting to reproduce the issue in house so the Programming team can get a fix in.  If they need any additional information, I will definitely let you know!


Thanks for the help, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.

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