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Three Separate Bugs (Items and Abilities)



The first bug is that Vela does not appear in the crew selection despite choices from the first game. Vela shows up on the beach and The Defiant with no problem, and has lines and unique banter. However, she can not be selected in the crew screen. I did actually manage to fix this bug with a simple workaround - the console command "giveitem CRW_Orlan_Child". This adds Vela to the crew selection screen and allows her to be placed on the ship. However, she does not have any personality type or sailor experience, as well as no experience in any of the job slots(not sure if bug or intended). I got the ID for Vela from digging in the ships.gamedatabundle and searching "Vela". 

Second, The Heart-chime Amulet that you get from Giacolo for completing Pallegina's quest does seem to give the proper god-like effect for the user. It gives the moon god-like effect (Lunar Heart) regardless of user. I did some digging in the .gamedatabundle files aswell as the .stringtable files to find the cause. It seems that only the Moon Godlike effect exists in the gamedatabundle files for abilities. I cross referenced with the other ability names (such as Nimbus of Death) and they do not exist. However, the strings for the other effects exist in the item mods string table. However, this is perhaps a UI issue, since i have seen somewhere else that the fire godlike effect does indeed trigger (damage as HP), but still shows lunar heart in the UI.


Lastly, the Zealous Aura is permanently attached to my Watcher. The only paladin in my group is Pallegina, and she has the armor buff equipped, not the accuracy. The effect does not go away after resting, sleeping, waiting,or swapping to and from the Zealous Auras. I tried to use the console command RemoveTalent and RemoveAbility Player_(myplayersname) zealousfocus but it does not seem to work.

None of these issues seem to be concerned with savefiles or computer performance, as they are on all my saves.

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Hello Nazguleater,


Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention.  In regards to Vela, she is not supposed to be a usable crew member on the ship.  She is indeed still in the list in code, but it was decided to not have her be a workable crew member.  The Heart-chime Amulet is bugged in our system and is assigned to our Systems Design team to be fixed.  For the Zealous Aura, that could very well be another bug.  Would you be able to supply us with a copy of one of your saves where this is occurring?  Do you know when this started occurring?  The guards in Neketaka tend to apply this to the party, but I'm not sure if you obtained it sooner.  Currently on my party it comes up and drops as intended so I'm hoping to see this on your saves.  If needed, you can find instructions on where to obtain your save files here.  You can either provide a link to your files via Dropbox or you may attach them to an email for us at support@obsidian.net. If you do email us, please link this post and mention your forum username so that we may identify you easily.


Thanks for the help Nazguleater!

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Thank you so much for replying! Here's the dropbox link with the two saves (in between this problem starts) as requested: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1a7d84qb1212gh5/zealousfocussaves.zip?dl=0


As to where the bug originated, I've done some digging and found that the problem occurs between two saves:


The first save starts from me in the Hole and the second starts at me being below deck mid-way to Fort Deadlight. In the first save, the Zealous Ability works fine. In the second, i already have Zealous Focus with no way to remove it. From what i can glean from the journal and time spent between saves (1 day in game), i can tell that during this period i talked to Orron and convinced him to leave Seduzo's ship, and then talk to Seduzo and get her to take Biha and ALL the kids. After that, i completed the quest Coming to Terms by talking to the Huana guy and telling him his land has returned to his ownership. Lastly, I talked to Fassini after already having paid off Bertanno's debt and got the key for the mansion. After that, i set sail and found myself below deck. It is entirely possible that i passed some Neketaka guards on the way. 


Thank you for all the effort you guys have put in and still are putting in. Cheers!

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Hey Nazguleater!


Thanks for getting that information for us!  I'll add it to the bug report now and see what the team can find is going on with this.  If you discover anything else, feel free to add that information here.


Thanks again for all the help!

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Posted (edited)


  On 9/12/2018 at 10:33 PM, nazguleater said:
From what i can glean from the journal and time spent between saves (1 day in game), i can tell that during this period i talked to Orron and convinced him to leave Seduzo's ship, and then talk to Seduzo and get her to take Biha and ALL the kids.



Hmm, funny that you say that, since I'm pretty sure I got it around the Gullet and I highly suspected the Orron interaction...

Edited by Skie Nightfall

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