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I'm having a lot of trouble deciding on a build (Too many options!)

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Hey guys,


So, I wanted to share the build ideas I had with you guys - they're under several different categories for (One hopes) easy reading - and get your opinions on them. These are, after a lot of thinking about it, going back and forth, chewing on it again, spitting it out, looking at the result, poking it with a stick, ... You get the idea. These are basically every build I've considered playing, and haven't tested yet. Now, here's the thing. I know all of these builds will work - because really, you have to be TRYING to find a synergy that doesn't work at least somewhat well in this game (I'm looking at you, Ghost Heart/Beckoner). So, that's not a concern for me. I want those with experience to look at each of these builds under the following lenses.


Edit: I decided to give Wizards a fair shot and opened up a category for them. I''m bringing back my Evoker Sage, for the Pale Elf centric DLC. 


1. Fun Factor: This one is the simplest. Which of these are just, genuinely, a blast to play? "Fun" is a highly subjective concept though, so hopefully the other categories will help to expand on that.


2. Variety: It's the spice of life! Which of these builds offers the widest range of "Things to do" in terms of attacks and special abilities? Keep in mind, I know Wizard is the most versatile class in the game. 


3. Lack of cheese required: Builds that don't require abuse of certain game mechanics in order to be effective. 


4. Fitting with the pirate theme: This is predominantly intended to be a Principi character, so I'm looking for builds that would benefit someone like that. 


5. Aesthetically pleasing. This is a bit of a weird category, but hear me out. There's a few builds that, in order to maintain maximum efficiency, require using certain item combinations that just look really silly to me. Dual wielding a rapier with a large club, or a club and a spear in the offhand, for example. I want my Watcher to maintain a certain degree of dashing elegance when he fights. 


So, on with the show!




1. Holy Slayer (Goldpact/Trickster): https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104960-semi-complete-character-build-for-potd-holy-slayer-not-a-solo-build/


2. Swashbuckler (Unbroken/Streetfighter or Unbroken/Trickster): https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104916-wip-swashbuckler-tank-unbrokenstreetfighter-or-unbrokentrickster/


Single Target DPS: 


1. Witch (Melee): A Berserker/Soulblade most likely, dual wielding with Soul Annihilation for that Witcher feel. Didn't get around to planning that one out yet, but a melee Witch seems pretty standard to be honest with you. I could also try a more spell-centric build with an Ascendant, as shown here... https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104892-build-witch-the-banshee-build-very-high-damage-berserkerascendant-rdps-caster/


2. Shadowdancer (Streetfighter/Nalpazca or Streetfighter/Shattered Pillar) (Melee/Ranged): Intended to be more of the Edward Kenway type pirate, who uses and abuses alcohol and drugs, but who's also really, REALLY good in a scrap.


3. Scout (Sharpshooter or Ghost Heart/Streetfighter, Assassin, or No-Subclass) (Ranged): I had this idea today, basically because of how ridiculous some people said Maia's damage could get, and looking at it, she doesn't seem to be able to do anything a normal Scout couldn't, just at higher range with more Interrupts. This would be a dual pistol/hand mortar short-to-mid range style character with a variety of guns at their disposal. If I went Streetfighter, I'd open up with a Blunderbuss modal attack in order to proc Distracted on myself for much more reduced reload, then lay into my marked target. 


4. Marauder (Berserker/Streetfighter): It all comes back to this. Marauder is something of my albatross around here, it's the build I keep coming back to and looking at every so often. It definitely fits, thematically, for a pirate type character, but then I run into the issue of surviving as one. Poor Deflection means I'm more or less at the whim of the enemies if I draw their ire, though the amount of damage I can do is fairly ridiculous in its own right. The fact that I can't see my HP is also a problem, and the constant ticking Raw damage which apparently scales up pretty ridiculously over time. 


AoE Damage:


1. Sage (Helwalker/Evoker or Helwalker/No-Subclass): https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/103438-character-build-for-potd-sage-helwalkerwizard-thought-and-memory/ Needs a bit of a rework, but this is basically intended as a long range artillery character using spells like Fireball, Blast of Frost, and Ninagauth's Shadowflame. It has a distinct fire and ice theme, representing... something! It's also a Pale Elf, because at least Pale Elves aren't Drow. There's also a Spirit Lancer variant I could try for more of a melee spellcaster with self-buffing. 


Notably, roles I don't want to play myself are healer/party buffer. 


If there's any other standouts that I didn't mention for the DPS categories, please feel free to list them in your responses. Otherwise, remember the criteria I provided for how to judge each build, based on your own personal experience. 


Right now, I'm most leaning towards Scout. Ranger gets quite a few different special interactions, and I like the idea of the high accuracy it presents in tandem with the Rogue's own hit-to-crit and Driving Flight. Penetration seems like it could be a bit of an issue though, but there's food for that. 


I'm least leaning towards Marauder, simply because of a lot of poor experiences with it. The amount of management it requires is not that fun. 


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Holy Slayer is really good, it offer you a lot - DPS, Healing, Armor, Deflection, Invise, Afflictions. It's viable from start, easy to manage and you can play solo/party

Edited by mant2si

Solo PotD builds: The Glanfathan Soul Hunter (Neutral seer. Dominate and manipulate your enemies), Harbinger of Doom (Dark shaman. Burn and sacrifice, yourself and enemies for Skaen sake)

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