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So I was researching something unrelated when I stumbled upon something interesting in the game files.


If one initiates the mutiny that occurs from being a no good terrible captain, the following benefits will be applied to the Watcher (including during the fight against your mutinous crew):




That is:


+3 Intimidate

5% damage bonus (everything, near as I can tell)

Lower Level Kith have a chance to become Terrified at the start of combat.

To hit accuracy is versus Will

Not sure of the range, but after minimal testing, it seems to be any kith that gets pulled into combat, including ones out of sight.  It hit kith at least 15m away.  Might hit ones even further out if they get into combat.

Duration looks to be 5 seconds.


I haven't seen what this ability actually does mentioned elsewhere on this board, the wiki, or anywhere else on the net (there were a couple of stray conversations about the ability in general, however).


I'm putting this in this section of the forum mostly because I wanted to get the info on the stat bonuses out there.  Not sure what, if any, builds this would help with, though the auto-(chance to)-terrify lower level Kith and the damage bonus is pretty nice.  Especially since it appears to not have a range limitation (or if there is one, it's very far away).


And I'm sure the +3 Intimidate might help some builds out there.


Don't know what, if any, in-game consequences there are.  Well, besides having to hire a new crew and boost up their morale, that is.  o:)   But it isn't THAT hard to bring up morale, and fairly quickly.  Especially if one cheeses by having only a couple of crew members while one is boosting up the morale before going back to a normal level of crew.

Edited by Zap Gun For Hire
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Huh. And that bonus is applied forever? That's interesting. Guess we have another jerks-only bonus?


How does one even trigger a mutiny? Let morale drift down to 0?

If I'm typing in red, it means I'm being sarcastic. But not this time.

Dark green, on the other hand, is for jokes and irony in general.

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Huh. And that bonus is applied forever? That's interesting. Guess we have another jerks-only bonus?


How does one even trigger a mutiny? Let morale drift down to 0?

Swim with 0 morale 5 - 10 minutes, and then kill all guys in your team

Solo PotD builds: The Glanfathan Soul Hunter (Neutral seer. Dominate and manipulate your enemies), Harbinger of Doom (Dark shaman. Burn and sacrifice, yourself and enemies for Skaen sake)

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Huh. And that bonus is applied forever? That's interesting. Guess we have another jerks-only bonus?


How does one even trigger a mutiny? Let morale drift down to 0?




Huh. And that bonus is applied forever? That's interesting. Guess we have another jerks-only bonus?


How does one even trigger a mutiny? Let morale drift down to 0?

Swim with 0 morale 5 - 10 minutes, and then kill all guys in your team



It's a bit more random/involved than that.


You first need to be in the "mutinous" crew morale zone (which is Morale 0-20), so you don't need to be exactly at zero.

You need at least five crew members (to prevent one-member cheese shenanigans, presumably).

You need to hit the random event that triggers the mutiny.


I don't know yet if anything makes that event trigger more frequently or not.  But I DO know one can sail for days in-game time with a mutinous crew and not trigger the event (though one can trigger lots of other nasty ones).  It might also be possible to get lucky and trigger it relatively soon in Mutinous status.

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Yeah, I don't think it has drawbacks. I've made a habit of mistreating a specific crew of particularly useless and/or distasteful sailors just for this.


First saw it mentioned here BTW.


And yes, yet another jerk bonus :(

My Deadfire mods
Out With The Good: The mod for tidying up your Deadfire combat tooltip.
Waukeen's Berth: Make all your basic purchases at Queen's Berth.
Carrying Voice: Wider chanter invocations.
Nemnok's Congregation: Lets all priests express their true faith.

Deadfire skill check catalogue right here!

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And yes, yet another jerk bonus :(


This one doesn't even make sense, either. Like ... okay, Gift From the Machine and Effigy's Resentment were both actual soul shenanigans. This is just like ... "welp you got your crew to try to kill you I guess you should get +5% damage forever now."

If I'm typing in red, it means I'm being sarcastic. But not this time.

Dark green, on the other hand, is for jokes and irony in general.

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And yes, yet another jerk bonus :(


This one doesn't even make sense, either. Like ... okay, Gift From the Machine and Effigy's Resentment were both actual soul shenanigans. This is just like ... "welp you got your crew to try to kill you I guess you should get +5% damage forever now."



Tales about the Dread Pirate Watcher get around.  It's mostly the game showing how feared you are by people who have heard about you.


Ignore the minor inconsequential fact that one can have a Benevolent rank of 5, 100 crew morale afterwards and NOT lose this benefit.  The Watcher contains multitudes, alright?


(Also everyone loves a redemption story.  They're still just a little afraid you'll snap at any second. ;))

Edited by Zap Gun For Hire
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