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[Minor Bug] Typo in Weapon Enchantment: Sharpened Blade

Falk Schütze



Weapon enchantment text states: 'Removes Corroded Blade, +1 Penetration', but should only state '+1 Penetration', since the prior enchantment: 'Corroded Blade' has already been removed during the enchantment.


Steps to Reproduce the Issue:

- get a weapon E.g. Gladiator Sword or armor with a penalty that is allowed to be removed by enchanting it

- enchant the item, description text still states the prior enchantment has been removed


Some of the items Ive found have strange descriptions after enchanting them E.g. the Gladiators Sword states its prior enchantment has been removed, but this information is useless, because the prior enchantment was removed from the item during the enchantment of it. If an enchantment removes a prior one, it should not additionally state it afterwards. The Gladiators Sword changes from -1 Penetration to +1 Penetration during its enchantment. Else, E.g. enchanting Fine unique items to Superb items should state that the prior Fine enchantment was removed etc.



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