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[1.1] The first cast of "Salvation of Time" extends duration of effects by 20s



Odd bug. The first time an encounter you cast Salvation of Time, the duration of beneficial effects gets extended by 20 seconds, not 10.


If you cast it again that same encounter, you only get the 10 second extension.


Though if you ask me, given Deadfire's slower combat compared to PoE1, a 20 second extension is closer to an appropriate power level for a PL6 spell. (I'd even settle for a 15s extension.)


Here's a dropbox link to an autosave right before combat: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/iaupyhvdbxn6og2/AAB80zCZJxOY5IyLBLCEJEn7a?dl=0


To reproduce, enter combat, start some beneficial effects, and then cast salvation of time. even though combat log/tooltip says "10 seconds" for the effect, you actually get double that. With this save, you'll have to empower the PC to get another cast of salvation of time. Do that, and then try it again in the same encounter. You'll only get a 10s extension the second time.

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