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Non-kith crew members don't show up in events.



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ie Birta is my helmsman when trying to sail through the fanged strait, the game uses Beodul instead. Obsidian should address this before the non-kith crew unionize to address this slight collectively. 


This isn't a bug - crewmen  with the Wilder trait can't participate in text events, with the logical explanation being that 90% of them don't speak Aedyran.

Edited by Skazz
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ie Birta is my helmsman when trying to sail through the fanged strait, the game uses Beodul instead. Obsidian should address this before the non-kith crew unionize to address this slight collectively. 


This isn't a bug - crewmen  with the Wilder trait can't participate in text events, with the logical explanation being that 90% of them don't speak Aedyran.



Birta and Worthless Idiot's speak just fine. Big Mouth doesn't seem to speak but we know Vithrack are at least capable of communicating telepathically which leaves Mother Sharp-Rock who is indeed mute, I haven't found other non-kith crew yet.


If this is Obsidian's excuse then I'd like at least for the non-kith members who can speak to participate in crew events. The event with Birta also isn't really something she needed to speak in anyway, I needed her skill check that at least is blatantly a bug cuz she might as well not have been on the crew at that point. 

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^ I'm not saying that it makes sense, just that it's how it works by design.


Responses and reactions during text events are dependent on the traits of the participating crewmen (e.g. Religious), not the crewmen themselves. I imagine adding unique traits ("Imp", "Vithrack" etc) just to give a separate response pool to one specific unusually-speaking crewman would be way too much work. Especially since it's a pretty minor thing overall.

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Chrono Cross for the PS1 nearly two decades ago now had a system in place for automated string replacement so each of the 40+ playable characters had their own speech mannerisms. It's not an impossible thing to do at all or 'too much work'. Once it's automated you only need to do it once.

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^ I'm not saying that it makes sense, just that it's how it works by design.


Responses and reactions during text events are dependent on the traits of the participating crewmen (e.g. Religious), not the crewmen themselves. I imagine adding unique traits ("Imp", "Vithrack" etc) just to give a separate response pool to one specific unusually-speaking crewman would be way too much work. Especially since it's a pretty minor thing overall.


Yeah, sure that's reasonable take and what I'm assuming is up as well but I don't really get the point in giving the options in the first place if the implementation is gonna be so half ass. I'm comfortable assuming it's a bug and not simply beneath Obsidian's notice until told otherwise. 


Besides, as I noted this has tangible gameplay consequences in the fact that non-kith helmsman not being recognized in events that check the helmsman skill, I haven't tested how many other events might be effected tho. 


In a SP game the RP aspect is much more important than the balance aspect for me and if the devs can take the time to rebalance everything they should be able to take the time to add non-voiced dialogue for the characters they saw fit to add to the game in the first place instead of having those characters be functionally absent beyond their stats (and that not even consistently as is). If adding tags + dialogue is too much work then even removing whichever one checks for race would work too, a weirdly eloquent Worthless Idiot would be preferable to an entirely absent one.

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