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Posted (edited)

Can anyone familiar with the modding capabilities in this game let me know if there might be a way to mod it so that anytime a character goes to 0 hp that there's a chance they die regardless of injury level or apply injuries based on when they reach a certain injury level


I'm trying to adjust the game to give it a more of a rogue-like feel and one of the things I'd like to do is make it so characters accrue injuries anytime they drop to Near Death and when hitting 0 they have a chance of dying based on their current constitution and number of injuries.



Edited by AWizardDidIt

theres a pet that disables engagement from and against your party and makes it so that when anyone in ur party reaches 0 hp they die regardless of injuries


a lil ****ty troll in the ashen maw


To make party members always die immediately when downed, you can just change "MaximumInjuriesBeforeDeath" in the global gamedatabundle to 0.


To add a random chance for this to happen, I think you'll have to get a little crazy.  Our status effect system is very powerful and can be used to do a lot of nonsense like this if you dig into it.  You could:

  1. Make a new passive ability that applies a custom status effect that triggers with "EventType":"OnUnconscious" (search for "ApplyStatusEffectOnEvent" to find some effects that do similar things).
  2. This effect would apply (via "StatusEffectsValueIDs") a second custom effect.
  3. This second effect would have a "ChanceToApply" value of your choice and effect type "AddInjury", applying several more injury effects to the character (also using "StatusEffectsValueIDs"), probably killing them.
  4. You may need to apply more injuries than you expect because they will not stack with existing injuries of the same type; you could instead create and use a new injury that can stack by setting its "MaxStackQuantity".  Injuries are identified by giving them one of the "Injury" keywords (these are in the gui bundle).
  5. You can make all party members have the new passive ability by adding it to the "PT_Racial" progression table (search for "047aa1b8-0f46-460c-ab27-6196c5ba25d5" to see how that's done).
  On 6/10/2018 at 4:58 PM, BMac said:


To make party members always die immediately when downed, you can just change "MaximumInjuriesBeforeDeath" in the global gamedatabundle to 0.


To add a random chance for this to happen, I think you'll have to get a little crazy.  Our status effect system is very powerful and can be used to do a lot of nonsense like this if you dig into it.  You could:

  1. Make a new passive ability that applies a custom status effect that triggers with "EventType":"OnUnconscious" (search for "ApplyStatusEffectOnEvent" to find some effects that do similar things).
  2. This effect would apply (via "StatusEffectsValueIDs") a second custom effect.
  3. This second effect would have a "ChanceToApply" value of your choice and effect type "AddInjury", applying several more injury effects to the character (also using "StatusEffectsValueIDs"), probably killing them.
  4. You may need to apply more injuries than you expect because they will not stack with existing injuries of the same type; you could instead create and use a new injury that can stack by setting its "MaxStackQuantity".  Injuries are identified by giving them one of the "Injury" keywords (these are in the gui bundle).
  5. You can make all party members have the new passive ability by adding it to the "PT_Racial" progression table (search for "047aa1b8-0f46-460c-ab27-6196c5ba25d5" to see how that's done).



This is extremely cool. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

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