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Game is using integrated GPU instead of Dedicated



Just loaded up POE2 and my god the frame rates are terrible for me :( Checked on the NVidia status panel and the game doesn't seem to be engaging the dedicated GPU, whereas all 15+ of my other games have no issue. So it's using the integrated GPU on my Intel chip. 

Running latest install of Windows 10, and latest Nvidia GPU drivers. Laptop is an Alienware 13R3 (latest), with a dedicated Nvidia 1060 6GB GPU. 

Any ideas?
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use the nvidia control panel to force it to use your gpu.


except.... five bucks says it won't help, because it IS using your GPU and it's just very very poorly programmed, exactly like the first PoE was.

but, if I'm wrong... just using the nvida control panel custom program settings should fix it.

or, if you aren't using your built in gpu, you could simply turn it off in your cmos settings.  I turned mine off years ago.  doesn't cause any problems.


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Hey kingblah,


Have you tried to load the latest Beta Branch for the game? It should address the issues you are bringing up with the Nvidia drivers. Please let me know!





I like big bugs and I cannot lie...

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The issue I believe we're all facing is that the game is using the wrong video card (i.e. using the video card that's on the motherboard instead of our actual gaming video card). The solution is simple, tell Windows which video card to use. I used the instructions on this site and the game runs perfectly smooth: https://www.howtogeek.com/351522/how-to-choose-which-gpu-a-game-uses-on-windows-10/

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