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Found 9 results

  1. Hi all, anyone else scream at the screen as to why we can only use spears and dagger underwater! It’s frustrating having to change up my play style to tackle certain underwater areas! why can’t you shoot a crossbow under water??
  2. Since this morning, when o try to collect water droplets from blades of grass with three blades, the water doesn’t fall when I hit the base. I can shoot them down, but if I cut the blade of grass, the water stays in the air, suspended by itself. Links to follow. This happens after saving and reloading, and on older saves as well. https://www.xbox.com/play/media/36J9QPUX https://www.xbox.com/play/media/4XLE43KQ https://www.xbox.com/play/media/8NXVQ6QJ https://www.xbox.com/play/media/A4YDR99E
  3. We have not yet fully explored the water laboratory. Still, I wonder how Doctor Tully or BURGL got there. After all, they must have been totally soaked. 1. So how about a submarine? This can be built from a nut. At the back a paddle wheel. 2. And how about paddle boats? With the floating flags, a separate track could be created, on which you can then race. Frogs announce the winner at the finish. 3. The last option would be a back motor. As with James Bond.
  4. Every time I try to pick up the water skin in the intro scene my game crashes and drops me in the desktop, corrupting the save file that was used to try to pick up the water skin. any assistance would be awesome as I was looking forward to playing the game. I have tried two different new games so far to see if it was a one time thing and I lowered my frames to 30 to see if it was my computer. I am adding the crash repot to see if anyone can help check it out (as I'm pretty coding-illiterate). Thanks for anything! crash.dmp error.log output_log.txt report.ini
  5. I have built a base on the water with the buoys as the foundation. Every time I want to destroy part of the base, the whole base wants to fall apart. I could build a door, decide it is facing the wrong way, and destroy it to re-build it the other way and my whole base starts to fall apart. I understand if you build a set of stairs and destroy the bottom one, the whole lot will come down but that is not the case here. If i destroy ANYTHING, the whole base starts falling apart. Any ideas? Is this happening to anyone else? Does my base need to be "grounded" to the actual ground and not just water buoy foundations?
  6. Since the hotfix dropped I haven't seen a single water droplet. I have a base by the water spigot that drips water every so often so I stored it up in water containers. Now there hasn't been any water coming from the spigot or hanging off grass blades. Juice still spawns but besides that I've been having to drink the dirty water and carry extra food. I have tried in both multiplayer and single player with no luck. I'm on PC.
  7. While the gameplay trailer looked just as gorgeous as I had hoped given the decision to go with 2D backgrounds. One thing that I'm not sure about yet is the look of the water though. Maybe it's all pre-alpha and I just should stop worrying but let's take a look at the three scenes where water is most prominently featured in the trailer. The water looks very different in all three of these scenes and I definitely like the first one the least while the second one looks pretty good actually. Of course the hard pixely edges of the foreground columns contributes its share to make the water stick out in the first screenshot but actually I'm not convinced this is the only reason. It just looks too "3D" to me. Any thoughts?
  8. Any thoughts on allowing players to ford streams/rivers or underground areas that are knee/waist/chest deep in water? Apart from it being visually interesting and possibly scary at times, it could allow for a variety of aquatic encounters to take place. For example, if the party has no choice but to cross a waist deep stream on foot, they might become targets for electric eels, snakes, and "bitey" fish like piranhas. Or in subterranean lakes, aboleths, aquatic undead, frog-men, and all manner of amphibious creatures. Obviously, the engine would need to handle the visual complexity of water and water-combat, but it could open up additional adventuring possibilities previously unavailable in IE games. Do we need this in P:E ?
  9. Save our wetlands! Since people seems to be campaigning for just about everything else from the silly to the sensible, I thought I would strike a blow for the classic stuff. Some of my favourite crpg environments the last 28 years of gaming has been swamp and sewer levels. Things that spring to mind are the swamp lands of The Witcher (which was my absolute favourite part of that game) and a number of sewer levels in games like Baldurs Gate and a few older FPS games. The slimy black mud that clings to your legs, all the way up to your armpits, the smell of rotten eggs, the "squish squish" sound of your boots slogging through waste and filth, what is there not to love? Seriously, hand on your heart, would it be a role playing game if there wasn't a quest to go down in a sewer and solve the rat infestation? Come on, don't deny your roots! Give me gloomy wet lands with a sense of being alone with all the dwellers in the deep, waiting to lash their rubbery tentacles around my legs and drag me to (not so) unexpected demise, the sense of relief when finally spotting a patch of dry land between the reeds with a copse of crooked and diseased trees where I can light a small campfire and chase away the darkness. Just sayin', frogs and herons needs to live somewhere too!
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