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  1. Here's a very rough guide on how to add a new voice to Pillars of Eternity 2, without replacing an existing one. From the code side of things it's not too complicated, you'll just need 2 blocks of code. The main complication lies in creating the audio files and naming them correctly so that the game will know what to do with them. Go to the PillarsOfEternityII_Data directory, you can find this by default: Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\ GOG: C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Games\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\ Inside the override folder (if this doesn't exist, create it) create a new folder, give it the name of your mod (E.g. Something like “Custom Voice”, “Zealous Voice”, something along those lines but it's really up to you). Inside this folder right-click and create a new notepad file. Give it the name of your mod and put .gamedatabundle (no .txt) at the end. Open it with Notepad (or your choice of code editor) and paste the following template: { "GameDataObjects": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.SpeakerGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "DEBUG_NAME_1", "ID": "GUID_1", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.SpeakerComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "Gender": "GENDER", "ChatterFile": "936c726d-d219-4771-80bb-83dd61c16cce", "ExternalChatterVOID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ChatterPrefix": "FILE_PREFIX", "WwiseChatterEventOverride": "", "WwiseChatterVoiceOverride": "" } ] }, { "$type": "Game.GameData.PlayerVoiceGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "DEBUG_NAME_2", "ID": "GUID_2", "Components": [{ "$type": "Game.GameData.PlayerVoiceComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "DisplayName": 465, "SpeakerReferenceID": "GUID_1", "Conditionals": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] } } ] } ] } Change the following: DEBUG_NAME_1: change to something distinctive to your mod. This way if something isn't working, you can easily search for errors in the output.log. e.g. “DebugName”: “SPK_Player_Custom_F” GUID_1: Generate a GUID and paste it over GUID_1 (inside the quotes). e.g. "ID" : GENDER: Put Male or Female inside the quotes depending on which gender you want the voice to be available for. e.g. “Gender”: “Female” FILE_PREFIX: Change to something short, something easy to retype and remember. You will use this later as the name of the folder for your audio and as a prefix on all your audiofiles. Don't use spaces in the name. Use_underscores_ instead_to_separate_words. e.g. “ChatterPrefix”: “player_custom_f” DEBUG_NAME_2: same idea as DEBUG_NAME_1 but make sure they aren’t exactly the same. e.g. “DebugName”: “Voice_Custom_Female” GUID_2: Generate another different GUID and paste it over GUID_2 (inside the quotes). e.g. For “SpeakerReferenceID” paste the first GUID you generated over GUID_1 again. e.g. "SpeakerReferenceID": Finally: Make sure everything you've replaced still has quotes around it. Make sure there are no spaces inside of the “quotes”. Save your file. Your finished code should look something like this: Setting up your Audio files: Now go to: PillarsOfEternityII_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\Windows\Voices\English(US)\ and create a new folder there naming it the same as what you have put in place of FILE_PREFIX. This is where all your audio files will go once they are converted to .wem and have the correct names. The naming of audio files goes like this: ch_FILE_PREFIX_USE_NODE.wem E.g. ch_player_custom_f_confirm_0025.wem , ch_player_custom_f_battlecry_0028.wem There are 121 audio files that'll make up this voice. I've attached a .txt file that contains all the file names. For your convenience use Find & Replace (crtl+h) to change all the lines with FILE_PREFIX to that of your ChatterPrefix. I would strongly suggest that you create a work files type folder for your project outside of the game's directory. And that you build your voice in stages, so as to avoid burning yourself out. The voice should still work if there are less than 121 files, but there will be silence for actions where there is no corresponding audio file or if there is additional line. E.g. if there is only one audio clip for when you clicking on the character there will be gaps in-between the character repeating that line. You can test the voice at any time by going into character creation, creating an adventurer at an Inn, or by opening the customization menu on an existing character. When loading it is worth clicking on your character a few times till they say something before going into the customization menu as voices don't always immediately load. Finishing touches: Create a mod manifest as described by BMac. The versions that support this mod should be: "Min" : "", "Max" : "" Currently your voice slot has the name “Test” when you look at it in game. Adding a piece of custom text to serve as your voice's name is a little finicky as it requires adding an entry to the gui.stringtable file. You can find some information on to do this in a few places. Once you have done this open up the .gamedatabundle file you made and replace 465 with the numbers that point to your text entry. Custom Voice Lines.txt
  2. Description: The female player character voices have sibilance issues, meaning that all the S:s are clearly hissing. It is very frustrating and had me chose a voiceless player. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: - Start a new game. - During the character creation, go to the voice selection screen. - Listen to the female voices by repeatedly clicking them to hear different samples. The issue is most audible for the "Female - Feisty" voice. For example the "I've got this." line sounds like this: "I've got thisSSS.". It is also very audible for the Mystic voice.
  3. Over the course of playing I've started to get annoyed by the voice I selected for my main character, and I've been trying to find a way to change the voice to another of the ones included. I've found forums discussing how to add in voice files from other games, but even in those they've only talked about what files types would be needed, not where in the directories the files are stored and associated with individual save files. If anyone would be able to point me in the right direction, it'd be greatly appreciated.
  4. Defiance bay area lags a lot. is that normal? Am I the only one that seems to find the VA a bit delayed to the text? it's not that serious, but a bit distressing.
  5. Hi all, I look all South Park episodes in english at it´s release. Also i look them later in my mother language. So i am used to both Voices, and more important, a lot of jokes get lost in translation. I think it would be nice if there is a option to chose in which language you play the game, e.g. play it the first time in your mother language and a 2. time in english.
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