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Found 4 results

  1. Here is a build I am thinking about using for my MC in my next playthrough, on PotD difficulty with upscaling, Turn Based mode. I'd appreciate any constructive feedback! I also want to turn this into a proper build, since there are so few 5.0 Turn Based builds out there. So, I'll be editing this post as I (hopefully) get feedback. Fighter/Rogue (Swashbuckler) Subclasses: Devoted/Streetfighter Race: Human Background: Aedyr, Mercenary Weapon Proficiency: Greatsword (Alternative option: Morningstar) Attributes: 18 Mig - 10 Con - 12 Dex - 18 Per - 12 Int - 8 Res Skills: Mechanics, Insight Role: Single target DPS, Off-tank Level ups: 1: Disciplined Barrage, Escape 2: Crippling Strike 3: Fast Runner 4: Fighter Stances, Two-Handed Style 5: Confident Aim 6: Determination 7: Disciplined Strikes, Dirty Fighting 8: Penetrating Strike 9: Riposte 10: Weapon Specialization, Persistent Distraction 11: Adept Evasion 12: Finishing Blow 13: Unbending, Deep Wounds 14: Conquerer Stance 15: Devastating Blow 16: Armored Grace, Improved Critical 17: Clear Out 18: Uncanny Luck 19: Unbending Trunk, Deathblows 20: Unbreakable Gear: Head: Helm of the Falcon Neck: Precognition Armor: Reckless Brigandine or Devil of Caroc Breastplate Feet: Boots of the Stone Cape: Mirrorback Hands: Gatecrashers Waist: The Undying Burden Rings: Voidward, Chameleon's Touch Weapon: Karabörü or Sanguine Great Sword Alternatively: The Willbreaker - if chose Morningstar proficiency Some aspects I'd especially like feedback on: - I personally won't use Reckless Brigandine, so I'll only have 1 engagement. Is that enough? Is there any way to improve that which is also worth it, like getting Hold the Line in place of something else? Any gear besides the armor that adds engagement? - I upgraded to Arterial Strike, because of Persistent Distraction already causing Distracted. Also, a ranged Scout will already have Debilitating Strike in my party. Should I keep Arterial, or Debilitating is still better in this case, too? - I added a Morningstar as an option to pick, as I know it is a better choice than Greatswords overall because of its great modal. I'll still use Greatswords though. Will it be fine on PotD difficulty? - I'll also have Edér as a Swashbuckler main tank, club+shield, in my party at all times. Two Swashbucklers are fine, right? It's not like I lose anything if I still have e.g. a Scout, Herald and Battlemage in the party? Thank you in advance if you comment!
  2. I wanted to post the build I am using in my current playthrough. Tested in Veteran difficulty with upscaling, in Turn Based mode. I'd like some constructive feedback on what I can improve. I want to turn this into a proper build, since there are so few 5.0 Turn Based builds out there. Fighter/Cipher (Psyblade) Subclasses: Devoted/Soul Blade Race, background, skills and even attributes I chose mostly for Roleplay and dialogue reasons. Could be more optimized, any suggestions for that I'd appreciate. Race: Human Background: The Living Lands, Explorer Weapon Proficiency: Greatswords Attributes: 18 Mig - 10 Con - 10 Dex - 18 Per - 14 Int - 8 Res Skills: Mechanics, Insight Level ups: 1: Disciplined Barrage, Valorous Echoes 2: Knock Down 3: Iron Will 4: Fighter Stances, Draining Whip 5: Two-Handed Style 6: Confident Aim 7: Disciplined Strikes, Hammering Thoughts 8: Secret Horrors 9: Mule Kick 10: Charge, Ectopsychic Echo 11: Hold the Line* 12: Weapon Specialization 13: Conquerer Stance, Borrowed Instinct 14: Armored Grace 15: Uncanny Luck 16: Unbending, Improved Critical 17: Clear Out 18: Disintegration 19: Unbending Trunk, Echoing Horror 20: Greater Focus *I really hate it when I rush an archer and the next round he just walks away from me because I have 0 engagement without Hold the Line. Gear: Head: Helm of the Falcon Neck: Cipher's Shackle Armor: Devil of Caroc Breastplate Feet: Boots of the Stone Cape: Mirrorback Hands: Gatecrashers Waist: The Undying Burden Rings: Voidward, Chameleon's Touch Weapon: Karabörü or Sanguine Great Sword (I do not use Whispers of the Endless Paths. I hate it with boundless passion.) I will edit this post as I (hopefully) get feedback and corrections. Thanks in advance!
  3. The Devoted subclass is currently giving -10 to accuracy instead of the bonus accuracy when choosing a two-handed weapon as the chosen weapon. Ranged weapons were not tested.
  4. So. I see that there are a few balance changes going into the latest patch. Awesome. I'm a bit confused by the absence of the Estoc, though. It's the best 2H melee weapon in the game as far as damage goes - the only edge case in which it's not better is the case in which Piercing DR is more than 5 higher than Slashing (for the greatsword) or Slashing/Crushing (for the poleaxe). Or if the enemy has less than 5 DR, which, let's face it, is hardly ever going to happen. Am I the only one surprised that this weapon got left off the balance list? Am I greatly overvaluing it? I should note that the game is fantastic and this is really a nitpick. Not a huge deal - I just noticed that they were still making balance changes so I thought I'd ask if anyone else thinks our favorite piercing dynamo of a weapon is an obvious choice for a wee bit of nerfing. Maybe just tonight the DR reduction down to 4 or something. As is, I feel like an idiot if I give my 2H wielders anything but an Estoc.
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