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Found 3 results

  1. Here's the list of all current racials: Also here's the list with descriptions included. As you can see some are more useful than the other; be it because some are more useful due to encounters we have to face, or as in case of moon and fire godlikes: lack of scaling. I have assembled a few suggestions in this regard, grouped in 4 sections (from important to optional): Suggestion Group 1: Scaling Silver Tide:currently restores only 10 hp per proc, and doesn't scale. This makes it a really weak racial. in PoE1 it was restoring 10 + 3 * (CL - 1). average health pool in Deadfire is 40 + 10 * CL. thus proposing the following scalling: 6 + 2 * CL. This way it will heal for 8 at level 1, and for 46 at level 20 Battle Forged:currently deals only 2-4 burn damage per proc, and doesn't scale. in PoE1 it was dealing ~ 2 * CL. proposing the following scalling: 1..3 + CL. On average it will take ~11 hits for a 240 hp enemy to kill himself against Battle Forged. Suggestion Group 2: Double racials for godlikes During Q&A #7 Josh told that godlikes will have two racials. One on par with the rest of the races. And a second one that will be on the same power-level with headgear we'll be able to find: I do find this to be a nice idea and would like to see it implemented. Out of playable races, Moon and Nature godlikes are the ones who lack a second racial. Here's my suggestion for them: As for Avian and Marine, their current racials are already quite strong, so they could be just split in two. For consistency. Suggestion Group 3: Optional minor tweaks Some racials could get a few minor changes to make them either more appropriate or a bit more comfortable to capitalize on. For example I do find it strange that Fire Godlikes have lower +AR bonus vs burn than Pale Elves. Thus proposing: Elemental Endurance: +4 Burn AR, + 4 Freeze AR -> +2 Burn AR, +2 Shock AR, + 4 Freeze AR Ashen Skin: +2 Burn AR -> +3 Burn AR The next thing is human's racial. In PoE1 it had a duration. In Deadfire it is active indefinitely while you are below 50% hp. I understand that this one is a matter of taste, but I liked more the PoE1 version. Plus, if I want to make use of Barring Death's Door and akin effects, human choice kinda clashes with Death Godlike. So:Fighting Spirit (Before): +7 Accuracy and +15% Damage Done, while Bloodied or near Death Fighting Spirit (After): +7 Accuracy and +15% Damage Done for 10s upon reaching Bloodied. Can trigger twice per encounter. And lastly the Hearth Orlan's racial:Minor Threat (Before): +10% hit-to-crit while attacking same target as an ally Minor Threat (After): +5% hit-to-crit. While attacking same target as an ally get +5% more. Suggestion Group 4: Feat-alike, selectable racials that are partially decoupled from races .. in progress.. So these are the suggested changes to current racials so far. Thoughts?
  2. This mod removes the attribute bonuses you get from race and culture, increases the amount of spendable attribute points from 15 to 18 and increases attribute's maximum cap from 18 to 20. This allows you to freely choose the race and culture you want without having to worry about min-max'ing your attributes. There is an optional version which also unlocks all backgrounds, inspired by Nizzy's Backgrounds Unlocked mod. The idea and request belongs to u/mporubca on r/projecteternity. Installation Download the archive and extract the folder from it, Place the "RP & MinMax" folder in "InstallPath\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\override", Launch the game and confirm its state from Options > Mod Manager.
  3. I know bug fixes (expecially gamebreaking ones) are the priority and i'm fine with that, but now that major bugs are fixed, i wonder if we'll see some heavy balance tweak like xp gain, enemies stats, difficulties rebalance and other stuff like this. There are a lot of propositive criticisms out there (both official and other forums) and i wonder if developers are looking at The game is really good and it has a solid base, so those things are mandatory for having a perfect product
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