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Found 6 results

  1. Good Afternoon, I pre-ordered Outer Worlds for my PS4 and so far I absolutely love the game. The only glaring issue is that I am a person who needs subtitles, and enjoys reading every little thing in my inventory, especially with a game thats very lore/mechanics heavy. I have not been able to play the game beyond the first few hours due to how absolutely TINY the font/text size displays on my 52" television. I am not even sitting that far away and its an absolute nightmare to read for any long amount of time, or catch subtitles as they go by. I really don't want to have to hover in front of my TV and ruin my eyes to play, but I hope there can be some sort of fix to this...as I am strugging really hard to play it and will have to figure out some alternative before I can enjoy it again. Thank you so much for your time! Kind Regards
  2. Can I put subtitles for the NPCs dialogues when they are not talking to me directly? English is not my first language, so when two NPCs are talking to each other, I'd like to read ehat are they saying, or if anyone talks to me from the distance, for example when someone says: "hey you, come here" referring to me. The only dialogues I can read with subtitles are those where I can choose different dialogue options, when they talk to me directly, but the other conversations are not subtitle. I'll give another example from another game: in Skyrim, when you walk near somebody mot hostile, they usually says something, they not talk to you "directly", but they say something and I can read it. I'd love to have the possibility to read the NPCs dialogues in The Outer Worlds the same way. Thanks in advance for your time, keep up the good work!
  3. Hello Obsidian! I'm just starting this game that I've been waiting for since its announcement. Above all, after more than two hours of play, I love it! The art direction, the universe, the gameplay ... Thank you to all the team! I mention in passing that I am French, and that Google Translation helps me to write all that ... ------> The two "problems" that I encounter: - The text, whether at the level of subtitles, menus, is really too small. I do not wear glasses, I never needed them. But there, I squint, I get up to see better, it's not practical. it makes me even a little headache ... - A problem that does not really have one. But who breaks the immersion. In town, I put away my weapon while pressing "Square" (I am on ps4 pro). But every time I talk to someone, as the key of dialogue is the same as to release the weapon, I find myself to release my weapon before each discussion ... That's the only two problems for me right now. The texts too small, it's really urgent I think. And we are numerous, on the French forums, to think that. I continue my adventure. And I hope one day an Outer Worlds 2 even bigger. MERCI !
  4. Hello, I'm playing the game with french subtitles. My problem is the size of the subtitles, I'm unable to play comfortably with my controller, as I have to get my head pretty close to the screen to read them. Please include in a next patch: - Bigger subtitles (like 3 or 4 X the actual size of the subs). or - An option to choose the size of the subs. Otherwise your game is awesome! <3 My specs: Res: 1366x768 OS: Win7 64 bit Lang: French
  5. I'm just watching a stream in Polish (subtitles only, thank God no one got an idea about dubbing) and let me tell you that Polish translation is done badly on more than just a few occasions. Even worse than a lazy job - it's sometimes misleading making game technically worse. Let me give you two example I just saw: -"socially excluded" from one of the game inscriptions should be translated to "wykluczony społecznie" rather than "socjalnie wykluczony" because "socjalnie" have strong ties to things like "social security" and almost no connection to things like social media in Polish -special attacks effects popup suggests it's weak against a given opponent, when in fact it's the other way around (that streamer I mentioned didn't realize that until he was said so by the chat user who played the english version before) Plus, and I may be wrong on that one so in such case please correct me, it also seems they didn't bothered hiring the oryginal translator (Tomasz Kutner) of the series, thus ending up with inconsistencies between game and sitcom. That's something I can live with though.... So, the question is: are subtitles going to be patched? Because if not, then I will have to consider buying it either on steam (not very fond of) or import the box from UK (I'm a box fetishist ) or just letting it go (game looks to good to do that). ATM I do not consider Ubisoft Polska (or whoever is directly responsible) lazy job to be worth my money. Of course I know it's possible to change subtitles back to the oryginal (at last on steam) but while buying the game retail version in Poland I'm ending up rewarding someone, who IMO does not deserve it. AGAIN. Thanks in advance.
  6. Hallo all, because in my country South Park has been censored, I would like to know if the American version also has German subtitles. I´m going to play on the PS3. And if there is a german subtitle i would try to get the American version, if not, i propably still buy the American version, but would be nice to know. Thanks for any answer. Greetings Youstroyer
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