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Found 4 results

  1. 1. Custom character creator for customizable looks and styles, animations, quotes, accents, languages, and more amazing features for happy players 2. Home boombox [For playing and setting music up for your home] 3. New boss [SPOILERS OF WHAT I WANT TO COME OUT, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED] Butterfly 4. A building fix to where it makes it easier to build in survival something like the handy gnat but more precise and less collided and fair 5. A fix for items glitching inside the ground since this happened to me multiple times [it will be replaced at the kid case and it will tell you the item has been repaired and repaired to the kid case]
  2. So, I donn't know if this is common but, there is a glitch in grounded (xbox) That does not allow for me to do javamatic. I have a save that can but that is days behind my current save. Let me ellaborate: So i press start java matic and it does the usual : o.r.c fire ant atack javamatic, kill them and fix the modules, But then i try to actualy start it and i don't get the option. PLEASE FIX THiS i have my world almost 100% and need barely and goldcards to have them all.
  3. So, I wanted to ask if anyone knows how to prevent Pallegina from showing up with Nirro, Canta Nicese on the last fight on the Promenade fight on Ukaizo. My ending plans are to: 1. Side with Aeldys in honor amongst thieves, have the Floating Hangman and after getting it 2. Side with Huana 3. Go to Dunnage and Kill Aeldys (if she's killed right after getting it, somehow she's resurrected and shows up on Ukaizo, so this is the only way to get Pim as a leader of Principi) 4. VTC is main rival 5. I kill Hazanui by when she attacks when I reject her offer to keep Maia with me 6. Other arcs are unimportatnt for this I think so I'll skip them Now when I show up on Promenade for a secon time she's there and want's to die. So my question is, can I somehow stop her from being there? Maybe make her quests and have +2 rep with her? Or do I have to make RDC the main rival and use to trick with killing hazanui to keep Maia? Would that even work, meaning, can they be the strongest rival after killing hazanui? Thanks in advance.
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